Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Top 5 Star Wars Card Trader Sets of 2021

The Top 5 Topps Digital 2021 favorites continue with Star Wars Card Trader Sets.  The Top 5 come from cards that I have actually collected in the SWCT app. I may not have the complete sets, so I note how many I have of the set.  If you have any of the cards I'm missing from these sets, I would entertain fair trades.  My SWCT username is JEDIGROSS.  

If you are evaluating your collection and can't believe I would have passed on a certain set, it may be that I didn't collect that set, or it may be that we just have differences in opinion which is awesome!  Here are my Top 5 sets of 2021:  

5. The Mandalorian - The Legend Continues - Wave 1 Standard, Uncommon, 5/5 collected

This set is unique.  I enjoy the "card pack" look of the set which makes if fun.  Clearly, if I opened these packs they would be Mandalorian cards, but what would the set look like with pack covers like these?  It is a fun and colorful little set that comes in at number 5 for me this year.  

4. Daniel Govar Original Art: Pilots & Ships Wave 1 Parchment, 
    "Tora Doza and the Blue Ace," Uncommon, 9/9 collected

Going along with my affinity for the ships of Star Wars, this set goes a step further and gives me the pilot of my favorite ships.  My number 3 card of SWCT for individual cards came from this set (see here), but I chose to display the "Tora Doza and the Blue Ace" card here.  I enjoy any card that uses a Star Wars subject that we don't get to see often. I really enjoyed Tora Doza's character in Star Wars Resistance, but I enjoy the entire set done by Daniel Govar.  There is a full-color set of this in the Rare variant which is awesome, but since the black and white sketch is more accessible, and I just like the shading of the black and white, I chose it as my number 4 in 2021.

3. Kevin-John Original Art, Helmets, Wave 1 - Signatures "Bo-Katan Kryze," 
    Super Rare, 2/5 collected

If you love Mandalorian helmets, this is a must-have set!  The raw feel to the art with the "bleeding" paint matches the style of the Mandalorians.  Not much else to say other than I love the aesthetics of these cards.  

2.  Derek Laufman Original Art Series, Color Art, "Zori Bliss," Rare,  / collected

This is a super cool series of characters that Laufman chose to create.  I love the interpretation of the characters with some "cartoon" feel to many of the images.  I chose the Zori Bliss card to represent the series because I really like how he makes her out to be the gun-slinger that I imagine her to be.  I don't feel the film brought out that aspect of her, but Laufman shows it clearly in this card.  Check out this series and I think you will agree that it should be in the Top 5 of any list.  

1. Widevision 2021, Series 1-4 Bronze, Uncommon, 
    26/26 Series 1, 26/26 Series 2, 25/25 Series 3, 26/26 Series 4 collected

One item to start with this set of amazing cards. An apology, no apology to Cory Clubb of CWK Pourover, this is kind of a four-way tie as I am including four sets as my Number 1 choice.  I give forgiveness to this because they are all the same series, just in 4 waves.    
Anyway, this set is awesome!  I really liked the editors' choices on what scenes they captured for the wide vision treatment.  The captured essence of wide vision went from human conflict to galactic battle.  I really appreciate all aspects of how they used this format.  I tried to display some of that with the cards I chose to represent the sets.  Enjoy!  

A quick note:  Acquiring information for the cards was kind of frustrating this year which is why some cards don't have actual names of the cards or sets.  I had to guess at that.  I normally get that information by clicking on the card, then using the information button on the bottom left.  About 85% of the cards did not have any information available.  All the fields were filled with "???"  I hope this feature is fixed in the future, but don't get me wrong, I love this app and hope it continues for a very long time!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Top Five Star Wars Card Trader Insert and Award Cards in 2021

The Top 5 Topps Digital 2021 favorites continue with Star Wars Card Trader Insert and Award Cards.  The Top 5 come from cards that I have actually collected in the SWCT app.  If you are evaluating your collection and can't believe I would have passed up on a certain card, it may be that I didn't collect that card, or it may be that we just have differences in opinion which is awesome!  I always love this quote that highlights the benefit of thinking differently, "If everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn't thinking."  I think it was U.S. General Patton who said that, but you can probably easily prove me wrong.  I am focused on SWCT cards not who said what!  Here we go!

5.  Star Wars Visions: Ronan,  Rare,  9642 GC  

I love the look of this card.  It is dramatic art for who may be the subject of my favorite Visions episode.  The dramatic red of the saber really pops with the black and white art.  Ronan's robe is not just flowing in the wind, but it appears to be whipping in the wind adding a sense of action to the image.  

4. Ahsoka Tano Authentic Autograph, Uncommon, 4381 GC

Who doesn't want an Ahsoka card with Ashley Eckstein's autograph?  I mean, seriously.  It is a pretty stock image of Ahsoka, but the autograph is enough to make it my 4th top card of 2021!  

3. Mandalorian and the Razor Crest Daniel Govar - Original Art: Pilots and Ships 
    Wave 1 Parchment, Uncommon, 33,368 GC

I absolutely love original art!  I am thankful that Star Wars Card Trader has made a commitment to these artists and giving them top billing for their work.  This card comes from one of my top sets of 2021 (coming soon) "Pilots and Ships."  It also is one of my favorite subjects of Star Wars these days: the Mandalorian and his ship, the Razorcrest!  

2.  Topps Choice Series 3 - Loth Wolf, Uncommon, 4342 GC

The subject of this card is a family favorite and was a total shock when it appeared on the Topps Choice list.  At Star Wars Celebration Chicago, I bought the plush Loth Wolf in the store for my youngest daughter who is an animal lover.  She fell in love with the white Loth Wolf and he quickly became her favorite stuffed animal. She appropriately named him "Wolfie," so my second favorite card of 2021 is "Wolfie!"  

1. The Mandalorian: The Heiress Card #9,  Uncommon, 9236 GC

I believe this card actually hit the app in December of 2020, but it is part of the 2021 collection.  I knew that this would be in my top 5 when it came out a year ago.  I love ships.  I love action.  I love epic shots. This card is all of it.  The shot of this Imperial transport alone is beautiful, but the four Mandalorians flying above it for their raid adds just enough to make it an epic shot, in my opinion.  This is a magnificent card and tops my list for 2021.  

A quick note:  Acquiring information for the cards was kind of frustrating this year which is why some cards don't have actual names of the cards or sets.  I had to guess at that.  I normally get that information by clicking on the card, then using the information button on the bottom left.  About 85% of the cards did not have any information available.  All the fields were filled with "???"  I hope this feature is fixed in the future.  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Top 5 Marvel Collect Sets for 2021

The Topps Digital Cards "Top 5" lists continue!  If you missed the first post that revealed my choices for the Top 5 Insert and Award Cards from Marvel Collect, click here to view that first.  Today, I will be looking at the  Top 5 Marvel Collect sets for 2021.  The criteria for this list are that these are sets that I chased during the year.  I may not have been able to finish the sets, but I did chase them and I have several cards from the sets.  It is likely we collected different sets; therefore, your list will be awesome but different.  The purpose of this list is not to evaluate all sets in the app for 2021, just the ones I attempted to collect.  Have fun and let me know what your top digital sets are for Marvel Collect in 2021!  If you want to see more cards from these sets, check out my collection on Marvel Collect Username: CYCLELIBRARIAN

I only trade doubles, but if I have doubles, make a fair trade.  I just might accept!

5.  Black Widow Premiere Collection, Rare, 12 card set, DNF 7/11 collected

This set was released in coordination with the film last spring.  What drew my eye to this set was the "dirty," unrefined style of the art to match the grittiness of the film and the Black Widow story.  I also was drawn to the dramatic use of the black and white format with the red splashed in on select cards.  There were a couple key cards to this set that I was not able to get (there are only so many credits!), but the cards I do have in my collection are cherished.  

4.  Avenger Bookmarks, Uncommon, 8 card set, finished 8/8 collected

As a librarian, how could I pass up on this set?  Avenger Bookmarks?  Yes, please.  Turns out, I really liked the modern art and style of these bookmarks.  I am waiting for these to come out as actual bookmarks one day!  Love these.  

3. Sanctum Sanctorum, Rare, 9 card set, DNF 4/9 collected

If you are a fan of Dr. Strange like I am, it would be hard to keep this set off a "best of" list.  This set is full of dark purple and red colors as Dr. Strange is depicted in different scenes of spell casting.  He is joined by other Marvel characters in several cards.  Characters like Clea, Spider-Man and Loki make appearances in this set.  It hits number three on my list for the dynamic value of color and scenes of magic.  

2. Vintage Panels, Uncommon, Waves 11 and 12 include 10 cards each wave, finished 20/20 collected

I have been collecting these cards from the first wave.  In fact,  I am only missing three cards from all waves and all three missing cards come from the first wave.  As you may remember from past lists, I really enjoy comic panels on cards and that is what this set is all about!  Each panel focuses on one character and each set follows a variety of classic characters including, Spider-man, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Ant-man, Nova, Hawkeye, Rocket Racoon, and many more.  

1. Marvel Architechs, Rare, 11 card set, DNF 7/11 completed

Most of my list is made up of some pretty classic art and comic panels, but the Marvel Architechs set is digital candy for the eyes!  With black backgrounds, the color make the characters pop right out of the cards.  Characters whose uniforms are dark, as seen on the X-Force card, create a menacing tone with white and gray shading.  The detail in the characters are sharp, and perspective lines coming out of the center of the card push the characters right off the screen.  This set is exceptional and worth a look.  

Friday Favorites: Saturday Relaxation

It is time for another "Friday Favorites" list.  This month: Saturday Relaxation.  In all seriousness, I came up with this topic as I woke up recently from a nap on a chilly, wet Saturday afternoon.  I often feel guilty on a Saturday afternoon when I have taken a long nap, and I wake up seeing others in the house being productive.  It made me think about what my favorite things are to do to relax on a Saturday.  

Let's face it, there is "lazy" relaxation and then there is "productive" relaxation.  Calling something lazy does not always mean bad. Personally, I would consider lazy as blindly scrolling social media and in a similar way channel surfing on television.  There is always a place for either, but I think we know when we have crossed a line. My Top 5 ways to relax are all what I would call "productive" relaxation.  What is lazy or productive is always up for debate, but here are my Top 5 ways to relax on a Saturday.  

5. Clean the house:  Yes, I realize it sounds crazy, but sometimes the process of cleaning brings relaxing satisfaction that the house looks nice.  The room that is most satisfying to clean to me is the kitchen.  I just love seeing a shiny stove and cleared off countertop after a busy week where the dishes may have built up a little or a lot.  I enjoy visiting the kitchen to pick up a snack or to start a Saturday night dinner when it is spotlessly clean.  It also makes for a stress-free Sunday while planning meals for the week.  

4. Write:  I don't often get to do this on a Saturday, but it is relaxing to me to get thoughts out of my head and onto a page or document.  I do try to write both ways: written and typed.  I tend to put more personal thoughts and ideas handwritten in a journal where I try to keep my creative writing typed on a document for easy editing.  I think I find it to be particularly relaxing because it is a solitary, reflective practice.  My writing will never be famous; I've never had that intention, so it is nice to just write and enjoy.

3. Work out:  Once I start a workout, I thoroughly enjoy that time.  It sometimes takes a little willpower to motivate me to start a workout on a weekend (don't want to get all sweaty, don't want to spend the time, lazy), but once I get going, I am always happy I did it.  In fact, I cannot think of one time where I thought, "Jeez, I wish I wouldn't have worked out today."  Whereas, there are a number of times at the end of a Saturday I think, "I wish I would have worked out today."  I always feel energized when I complete a workout, and for those times the workout wears me out, it is Saturday and I can take a nap.  Speaking of naps...

2.  Take a nap:  Taking a nap is my number two most relaxing activity for a Saturday.  It is so satisfying to lay down in the middle of the day with the purpose to cozy in on the couch or back in bed to take a snooze.  I have nothing more to say about that!  

1. Read:  I just love to pick up a book, newspaper, comic book or magazine to read on a Saturday.  Normally, my day begins with the local newspaper, which continues to become smaller and smaller as newspapers become more and more obsolete.  I refuse to give up on local journalism, but it seems that financially, they will give up on me.  Until that day comes, I will continue to read the Saturday paper with my morning coffee.  When I don't have as much time, I will find time to look at a magazine or online article, but if there is time for a book, you better believe I am settling in to do some reading.  Reading really helps me to escape as my mind slips away from our world into the setting of the book with the characters and I am taken someplace else.  It is the best escape for me, and therefore it is my number one way to relax on a Saturday.  

Relaxing and taking time for ourselves, our families, or our friends is a positive way to spend a Saturday.  In my mind, the idea of relaxing seems like a waste of time, but really, it is quite productive because it energizes us and helps to clear our minds.  Make relaxation intentional to keep it productive and keep yourself from participating in "lazy" activities that can sometimes actually zap our energy and motivation.  Take some time to relax this weekend by yourself, with family, or with friends.  It will be a good use of your free time.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Top 5 Marvel Collect Insert and Award Cards for 2021

It is time for my second annual review of the Topps Digital Card apps top cards.  This week I will be looking at my Top 5 Marvel Collect Insert and Award Cards for 2021.  Sticking with the same criteria as last year, this is a list of the Top 5 cards that I collected.  If you are looking at your sets, it is likely we collected different sets and cards; therefore, your list will be awesome but different.  The purpose of this list is not to evaluate all cards in the app for 2021, just the ones I have collected.  Have fun and let me know what your top digital cards are for Marvel Collect in 2021!  If you want to see these cards and others from the sets, check out my collection on Marvel Collect Username: CYCLELIBRARIAN
I only trade doubles, but if I have doubles, make a fair trade.  I just might accept!

5. Peter Parker from the Comic Impact Collection, Super Rare, 842 Global Count
Spider-man makes several of my top five cards.  I like the aesthetics of this card titled Peter Parker with the black/gray brick border.  The card features Spider-man with his mask off, suspended on his web over New York City.  This card is all Spidey, but it shows his uncertainty of having his mask off in public.  Being Spider-man, though, his identity is probably pretty safe up in the sky.  

4.  Infinity Cover #8 from the Infinity Comic Collection set, Super Rare, 1086 Global Count
This card is a reproduction of a variant cover to the Infinity Comic.  The card is fun to look at and very light in content as the baby Avengers play on a classic arcade game that has Thanos on the outer case of the video game console.  I like the retro feel of the hero community playing an arcade game console along with the dire situation of combating Thanos.  I especially appreciate a brooding hulk letting Cap stand on his shoulders to command the battle. My guess is these baby Avengers probably don't have enough quarters to finish the game.  

3.  Spider-Man #5 from the 90's Collection, Rare, 3605 Global Count
I love the comic panel cards and 2021 brought us a common set with tons of cards with comic panels.  Spider-Man #5 comes from a different set, the 90's Collection which has some really cool and unique cards in a sharp-looking card design.  I like how the right-hand side of this particular card has the larger border on the right and the Spider-Man title printed down the side with the Marvel logo at the bottom right corner.  This page of panels is cool, and the card is very appealing.   

2. Carnage vs. Spider-Man Award Card
There is so much happening in this classic Spider-Man vs. Carnage battle card.  First, the border is all comic book look with comic box and lettering background with blue, black and red colors.  Then, the action is in the center of the card.  It appears that Carnage has the upper hand on Spidey (as he often does in a battle with Spider-Man), but it appears that maybe Spidey has a plan to perform an upper kick to the face of Carnage as they battle on the top of a skyscraper in NYC.  I love the realism and detail to this card and the blinding white of the background brings the battle to focus. I've spent more time than I should just playing this moment of battle out in my head.  

1.  Cable from the Topps Weekly Original Art Set, Rare, 5258 Global Count
While the Carnage vs. Spider-Man card is full of color, action and detail, my top card of 2021 is all about the simplicity of a sketch card.  It isn't often that you come across a card with Cable where the focus isn't massive guns, weaponry, and armor that Cable typically carries with him.  This card is just the man.  The techno-organic virus is clearly present on the left side of his body, and his organic arm, showing the massive bicep and musculature that we have come to expect, is all Cable.  This card demonstrates Cable's dominance as a soldier and a leader of the X-Men.  I love original art, and I love original art of my favorite X-Man, Cable. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Beatles: Get Back Initial Reaction Ep.1

It was Friday, Black Friday, in the evening when my family was settling down in the living room, and I
made an announcement, "I am planning to watch the new Beatles documentary on Disney+."  Without an objection and maybe even a little interest, I started the show.  I am really the only Beatles fan in the family, but I thought, maybe this would entice them and prove once and for all in my house, how awesome the Beatles really are.  It didn't.  After about 20 minutes, I was the only one left in the living room.  Everyone else found something more important to do.  

In fact, The Beatles: Get Back wasn't what I was expecting.  I walked into it with no prior knowledge of what I was about to see, but I wasn't expecting what I saw.  That doesn't mean disappointment, it just means I needed some time to process the show.  After about one hour in, I turned it off.  As the rest of the evening went by, I couldn't stop thinking about what I heard and saw.  I was even thinking about it the next morning, and that next Saturday evening, I found myself settling in to finish episode one.

I found this documentary to be intriguing at first, but before long I discovered that it is a treasure...for a Beatles fan.  Maybe others found a different experience, but while I became mesmerized by this uncensored, raw footage of the Beatles planning a live show with brand new music, my family of non-Beatles fans were completely bored and kind of put off by Paul, John, and Yoko Ono.  The opinion of my family doesn't impact my opinion of the show, but it does make me ponder the accessibility of the show.  With all of that said, here are my initial reactions: 

I was blown away by Paul's on-the-spot writing of Hey Jude, Get Back, and The Long and Winding Road.  It is a dream to hear an artist tell the story of how a song is created, but to watch Paul, John, George, and Ringo play it out, sing unwritten lyrics, trial-and-error style, was incredible.  I am especially giddy about Paul blah, blah, blahing his way through verses of The Long and Winding Road, only to have John eventually say it would be nice to hear some words in there.  There is something quite charming about that. This alone may have been worth the two hours plus time on the first episode of the documentary. 

I wasn't surprised to see Yoko Ono make an appearance on the show as I had read and seen in other documentaries that she was a presence, but this show really showed how much she was inserted into the group.  Less by verbal input and opinion, and more by her physical presence and proximity being the fifth member.  She quite literally sits at John's side the entire week of filming doing God knows what.  We also sense her emotion and passion at the end of the episode when the group, minus George, display their raw emotion of frustration at the end of the second week of planning and writing.  I did appreciate the few moments that were seen between Linda McCartney and Yoko Ono when Linda came to the set in the second week.  Something about that interaction made Yoko Ono feel less of a silent presence and more of a person as she is seen talking with Linda.   

I never doubted that the Beatles had their differences.  In fact, it was quite known, but never have I, or maybe any of us as fans, seen the conflict quite in the way this film shows it.  It is very clear that there is an issue with George and that he and Paul were headed down a difficult road.  George demonstrates a bit of an inferiority complex that maybe he isn't the guitar player of an Eric Clapton level. Later in the documentary, Paul is unhappy with the way George is playing.  Paul stands and it feels rather aggressive as he looks down at a seemingly trapped George in his seat and his guitar on his lap.  The issue is the style of guitar playing.  Soon after this incident, we learn that George has left the session and has quit the project.  I wasn't surprised.  Paul really left a bad taste.  Admittedly, I am only a viewer of this documentary.  I wasn't there to see where all of this was coming from in the past, but at this point, we have watched this conflict begin to brew over the two weeks of practice and planning in the first episode of the program.  

Overall, the first third of this show is brilliant.  Again, I have to say, though, it is brilliant for a Beatles fan.  I can completely understand as my family started to file out of the room.  This show, as brilliant as the editing and original film treasure, is not for everyone.  I will have to watch it alone.  Don't feel sorry for me though, I will grab some popcorn and probably a beer, to settle in for the next 4 hours of two episodes of The Beatles: Get Back

Friday, November 26, 2021

Teachers in the Dungeon Gift Guide 2021

Looking for a good gift for your significant other who plays D&D?  Maybe you are a DM and looking
for a fun gift for your players.  Perhaps you want to treat your DM to a nice gift.  Here are some ideas from Tom Gross and Dan Reem of Teachers in the Dungeon.  (any companies and individuals are pure recomendations from Teachers in the Dungeon, none are paid sponsorships)

Tom's List:  

Dice, Dice, Dice and more Dice!  Feed your #DiceGoblin and buy lots of dice.  Buy lots of dice from your local game store!! 

Dice Box:  The special dice or Game Dice need a special place to hang so they treat you well at the table. A custom-made wooden dice box is a great gift.  It gives your favorite player some swagger at the table when the Dice Box comes out to take control of the game.  

D&D Apparel:  Speaking of swagger, a classic D&D ampersand t-shirt or ball cap gives your D&D gal or guy a way to show their love of the game.  Or, check out some third-party groups that make their own roleplaying shirts.   

Roleplaying Book:  If your player is new to the game, a core rule book or a supplemental book is always appreciated, but for something unique, check out the third-party books.  Kobold Press has a great choice of really cool supplemental books for the player and DM alike.  You might also check out Cawood Publishing for some cool new books.  Also, Raven Press Maps (ravenpressmaps, Instagram) has a really cool and colorful map book with mini scenarios for quick battle opportunities.  

Character Token Sets: These are really cool little tin boxes, unique to the character class, that have a combat tracker tile the player can use to keep track of combat stats, and character condition tokens.  We have used these in our games and they are really helpful and keep you from constantly erasing on your character sheets.   

Dan's List

Minifigures: Whether you get the stock mini's or a custom figure made from a custom service like HeroForge, miniatures make great gifts for the gaming table.  

Miniature Paints: Cephalopod Studios is a small business that produces quality paints that do not need to be thinned, and any friend, player or family member who paints minatures would appreciate these. 

Commissioned Art:  Get your favorite D&D player a custom portrait of their character by commisioning a local artist or one online to create a unique work of art.  These are really special gifts and these talented artists are really great to work with.  The Teachers in the Dungeon recommend Jeremy Cole, Tatterdemaelion on Instagram.  

A quick note...

Before we wrap up, we always recommend buying your supplies and D&D gear and materials from your local game store or local creators.  It seems that you get more for your dollar buying from mass stores and websites, but the real value for your dollar is buying from your local creators and stores.  They support you and your game community in many ways.  They host product releases, they support local libraries and school clubs, they support your economy, they host game nights, they are the experts in the products.  They deserve your support.  

For more details on our thoughts about these products, check out the "Christmas Gift Guide" episode on the Teachers in the Dungeon podcast.  You can find the show on Anchor, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and more.  On Teachers in the Dungeon, we discuss Dungeons and Dragons 5e and homebrew content from both player and DM perspectives, with additional episodes devoted to other topics related to D&D.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Friday Favorites: Top 5 Concerts

I was asked to speak to the History of Rock class at our school to discuss a concert experience I had experienced.  I don't think the teacher, a good friend, had any idea how happy this made me as I love to talk about live music.  It got me thinking of all the concerts I had been to in my life.  I started by creating a list of as many of the concerts I could remember, and it became quite apparent which concert I would talk about.  But in the list making process, I thought it would be fun to create a top 5 concerts.  So here it is, with the top concert being the experience I would share with the class.  

5. The Kinks, Holiday Star Theater, Merriville, Indiana  1988

    My best friend in high school and I took made the trip to Merriville, Indiana to see The Kinks on a
Sunday night in 1988.  We enjoyed a powerful set from the Kinks, but we left something in that theather forever...a part of our hearing.  It was the loudest concert I have ever attended.  We couldn't talk to each other the entire way home, because nothing could be heard.  The next day at school we both experienced ringing in our ears.  Was it worth it?  At the time, absolutely it was worth it, check out the playlist of current songs and classics.  It was an amazing concert, but in hindsight, maybe some ear plugs would have been appropriate.  

4. The Eagles - Riverport Ampitheater, Maryland Heights, Missouri 1994


Any time you see a mega band like The Eagles, you are going to be in for a treat, because all of these band members went on to have incredibly successful solo careers.  At this concert, we weren't only treated to some of the best songs of The Eagles, but we got solo performances from Joe Walsh, Don Henley, and Glen Frey.  I will never hear Rocky Mountain Way in the same way when I hear it on the radio.  It was such a powerful performance.  The Eagles didn't disappoint with only one encore, they pounded out three encoure performances finishing with Take it Easy.  

3. Dave Matthews Band - Farm Aid, New World Music Theater, Tinley Park, Illinois 1997

    I have seen the Dave Matthews Band three times (once at FarmAid) and every time (not including Farm Aid) the audio mixing was disappointing.  I mean, disappointing to the point of almost leaving during one of the concerts.  The main guitar was so high on some songs that the bass and drums were almost not heard from where we were sitting.  But, Dave Matthews and band knocked it out of the park at their brief performance at Farm Aid.  I have no idea why this performance, mixing-wise, was so much better than the others, but I am thankful it was, because it makes it my third favorite concert experience. 

2. John Mellencamp - Rosemont Theater, Rosemont, Illinois 1997

     John Cougar Mellencamp puts on incredible shows with hard rocking music.  It is clear that he was a rocker growing up and living out his dream in this show.  It was a raucous concert with loud rock and roll with Scarecrow, Pink Houses, Cherry Bomb and he kicked off the encoure with R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A!  There was only one respite in the entire concert when he played Jackie Brown and concluded with

Check It Out which we all needed to come back to Earth after this non-stop musical experience.  

1. The Grateful Dead - Alpine Valley, East Troy, Wisconsin  1989

    I have my brother to thank for taking a risk on bringing me along for the ride of a Grateful Dead concert experience.  I am still amazed that I was able to see the Grateful Dead live in 1989 in Wisconsin.  When I think about the music of this concert, I will never forget the opening cords of the first song, Hell in Bucket, but the rest of the concert resonates in my head as just a Grateful Dead sound.  I don't have any particular memories of any other song except for Mexicali Blues in the first set.  Besides the musical experience, the Deadheads left quite an impression on me as I remember in the "market" area one man selling jars of absolutely nothing for ten dollars.  How could I forget the man skipping through the crowd tossing out Fruit Stripes gum to all of us.  This entire experience along with the iconic band and Jerry Garcia make it my number one concert experience.  

How about you?  What are your top concert experiences?  I could easily finish out a top 10, so let me know if you would like to see that, but I definitely would like to see your top shows and maybe even your favorite places to see a live show.  Leave a comment here or on Twitter and tag me @draftline

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Storeroom Treasures part two: Old Equipment

Sometimes when I head into that storeroom in our house, I find some things that are so far removed from my memory.  Things that are obsolete in today's world, but for one reason or another seemed important to keep.  I came across a box that hasn't been opened in a long time because it found its way to the bottom of a pile of boxes.  I uncovered this box and popped off the lid to expose some old electronic equipment.  

The contents of the box included a VCR, a random remote control, a variety of different cords, and a digital television antenna/receiver.  This box is in the storeroom for several reasons even though the overarching question still is, why?  

Does anyone else keep a VCR around because of old family videos?  I think that is the only reason that VCR made it into the box. I know that there are also videotapes of some stage shows I did when I was in high school, and my wife has some videotapes of some dance shows.  What is funny is that none of these video tapes are in this box with the VCR.  That means that either we have discarded those tapes or there is another box somewhere filled with those tapes.  Upon inspection of this VCR, I discovered that there are a couple televisions in our house that do not have the RCA cable connectors for this old tape player, so it is almost completely obsolete.  

I kept the digital receiver from a time when we cut the cord and just watched the local digital, broadcast  channels.  That experiment lasted about a year.  It saved a ton of money that year, but in the times before streaming services, the Netflix DVD's just didn't come fast enough in the mail, and we went back to cable services.  I think I kept the digital receiver because I have dreams of cutting the cord again.  What I have discovered is that our local cable provider really offers reliable Internet service with a minimum cable channel list that it makes sense to carry this service.  So there sits the digital receiver in a forgotten box in the storeroom. 

This box also has a number of random cables including more coaxial cable than I think any room needs, an Hdmi extension cord, and some speaker wire.  Oh, there is a remote control from another VCR that apparently didn't make the cut, but the remote snuck in to this box to live another day.  

The best part of this box are the memories that are in here.  A silly box of random, old electronics has memories?  Of course, I remember all the rooms that I set this or other VCR's up in, from college apartments to houses long gone.  I remember the rooms and even some of the movies I watched on machines like this.  Boxes with old equipment like this are always filled with memories.  I realize that these boxes can't stick around forever, but while they are here in our attics, closets, or storerooms, they are worth a few minutes of time to reminisce.  Maybe even a little reflection is deserved to decide if boxes like these should go to the curbside to make room for new boxes that years from now will bring up a new collection of forgotten memories.   

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Teachers in the Dungeon: An Episode Guide

Hello fellow adventurers and welcome to the Episode Guide to the Teachers in the Dungeon podcast.  

The show is a little over two months old and it has grown in ways we didn't see when we recorded our first episode over the summer.  Our goal is to discuss and analyze the games we play, and we plan to discuss other Dungeons and Dragons topics.  We also look to build a positive Dungeons and Dragons community where we celebrate content creators, game builders, Dungeon Masters and players.  Here is a quick breakdown to the different types of episodes you will find on Teachers in the Dungeon.  

Campaign Episodes: 

These episodes are the heart and soul of Teachers in the Dungeon.  We are currently breaking down the adventures of Zedi, Rix, Siv, Borem, Caersws, and Dirichlet.  They are better known as The Tiefling's Jacks.  Tom Gross and Dan Reem recap the adventure, talk about some inspiration for the setting, analyze decisions, mistakes, and successes by characters, players, and the Dungeon Master, discuss the origins of names and more.  These episodes last anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes in time.  The goal here is to make it the length of a short commute.  The Teachers in the Dungeon pack a lot into a little time.  

Random Encounter Episodes: 

Like a random encounter in Dungeons and Dragons, a Random Encounter episode could be about anything Dungeons and Dragons related.  In some upcoming episodes, Tom and Dan discuss their top three non-Wizards of the Coast resources.  You might find some interviews with players in the Random Encounters as well as a peek to the past by discussing Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks from first, second and third editions.  A random encounter is like opening up a chest in the dungeon; you never know what you will find.  

Bonus Action episodes:

A Bonus Action is a quick and timely move, when you have one you use it!  Similarly, a Bonus Action Episode is a quick and timely topical episode.  Bonus Actions may be a timely interview from a local comic shop anniversary.  It might be a timely book or Dungeons and Dragons resource release that we discuss.  While they may be timely, they are worth a listen anytime.  

 If you love Dungeons and Dragons or just like some fun game conversation, give Teachers in the Dungeon a listen.  We also love feedback!  Leave a comment below or drop us an email

Follow us: 

Twitter: @dungeonteachers

Instagram: Teachers in the Dungeon

Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Favorites: Top 5 Frozen Pizza

 In last month's Friday Favorites post, Top 5 Breakfast Cereals, I noted how my daughter, when seeing the question online of what food reminds you of your father, said that cereal and pizza are the foods she thinks of when she thinks of me. I gave you my top cereal, so here are my Top 4 Frozen Pizzas. 

Before giving my top 4 though, I did want to establish some expertise.  Not only do I eat an unusually high amount of frozen pizza now, I always have.  In high school and college, my pre-dinner was a pizza, not some pizza an entire frozen pizza.  In college, being budget conscious, I always bought the cheapest or best sale pizza I could find.  I mention that to establish that I have tried dozens of different kinds of frozen pizzas.  I will acknowledge that when it comes to the regional pizzas, I will be limited except for the region in which I live.

I have so many stories to share about frozen pizza, but I will leave you with this one that pretty much summarizes my experience with frozen pizza and how I consume it.  In high school, I was spending the night with a friend, and late at night, we cooked a frozen pizza.  My friend, who was getting the pizza out of the oven, asked me if I wanted to just split the pizza.  I said sure, that's what I was thinking.  I heard him cut the pizza and come into the living room where we were watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.  He walked over to me and literally handed me half of the pizza.  This was a new one for me, but there we were, each holding half a pizza, and eating it like watermelon.  It was great!  

Another reason why I claim expertise with this topic is that years ago I worked in the field.  I sold and drove a truck for Tony's Pizza Service.  As part of my training, we discussed what makes a good frozen pizza and I sat with my colleagues and taste-tested our pizza with national competitor pizzas.  We discussed many things from toppings to sauces and crust.    

With all that, here are my Top 4 Frozen Pizzas: 

Red Baron Four Meat:  The rest of the frozen pizzas on this list I would consider "craft" pizzas.  Red Baron is the best of the "mass-produced" pizzas.  There is no question it is a frozen pizza when cooked in the kitchen, but it is a good frozen pizza.  I like the healthy dose of meat on the "Four Meat" version of this Red Baron brand.  

Calipower Uncured Pepperoni:  This is the one pizza that I can actually eat, and I mean that in a couple different ways.  First, it is gluten-free and I don't have to worry about how it might impact me. Second, I have tried a whole bunch of gluten-free pizzas and this cauliflower crust is the most un-cauliflower and crunchy crust of them all.  It is more than just tolerable, it is tasty.  I highly recommend this pizza for anyone who is gluten intolerant or like me, just needs to limit gluten.  

Brew Pub Lotzza Motzza Breakfast Pizza:  My wife came home and thought she had purchased a sausage pizza for dinner.  When we realized our error, there was some disappointment for that dinner, but when we popped this pie in the oven the next morning, we were blown away!  This is an awesome breakfast pizza!  It has a crispy crust and generous toppings for a frozen pizza.  This is a special breakfast treat around our house.  

Home Run Inn Sausage: Hands down, this is the best frozen pizza on the market.  It has a yeasty "bar-like" crust that is filled thick with cheese and the best pizza sausage out there.  It is light on sauce, so if you like a lot of sauce, this won't be for you.  I like it because all parts of the pie are filled with flavor.  If you have this frozen pizza in the market in which you live, it is definitely worth cooking in your kitchen.  

Sunday, October 10, 2021

2021 Personal Stats - Update October

Three quarters of the year down!  It is hard to believe that October is here which means it is time for the second to last Personal Stats update for 2021.  Here is where I am on October 12: 

Movies watched: 25
Rewatch: 12
First time: 13

TV series (streamed):
Episodes: 69
Rewatch: 28
First time: 41

Books read: 17
Graphic Novels: 3
Fiction: 11
Nonfiction: 3
Pages read: 3412

Books abandoned:
Graphic Novels:
Pages read:

Short Stories: 8
Pages read: 244

Comic books read: 131
Digital: 56
Print: 75

It is probably noted that I added a category titled "Books Abandoned."  I haven't done that yet, but I sense it coming soon.  I always tell the students at my school that if they are reading a book they aren't enjoying, they should stop reading it.  I may be reading a couple books that fit that criterion.  

Now that the school year is back in full swing, the stats have slowed in growth, but I did recently continue my MCU timeline rewatch by viewing Captain America: Civil War which has so much more context after watching The Falcon and  Winter Soldier this last year.  I also recently watched Raya and the Last Dragon with my family.  This was a fun, enjoyable film to watch with the family.  

I have been disappointed with the new update of Marvel Unlimited.  They removed the library, so when I want to read a quick comic when I have a few minutes, I have to hunt down something I haven't read.  In the past, I would just go to my unread library and choose something I had preselected.  I hope they bring this back in some updates.  

Anyway, one more quarter to create the baseline I need to measure my consumption of things I love.  

Here is where I was at the last check-in in July.  

Here is the link to the original Personal Stats post.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Top 5 Breakfast Cereals

Recently, my oldest daughter saw a post online that asked what food reminds her of her dad.  Her reply was pizza and cereal.  It is true, I am not handy when it comes to the kitchen.  I like to keep it simple, but it is also no secret that my favorite meal of the day is breakfast.  Let's face it, it is the meal of the day where basically cake is acceptable: Donuts, pastry rolls, pancakes and syrup, French Toast, and the list goes on.  It is also the meal that often features bacon.  

My most common breakfast food though is cereal.  It is easy.  It can be eaten with milk or just throw it in a ziplock back and it is on the go.  Breakfast cereal is also good at any time of the day.  My favorite time of day for cereal besides breakfast is as the midnight snack.  

I feel that a list like this is best written by an adult because as a child, part of the breakfast fun is trying the 1000's of different kinds of cereals.  These are the sugary, colorful, fun shape cereals and the trial and error as a kid is endless.  It isn't until adulthood that you really start to shape a serious opinion, but hey if a kid wants to share her top cereals, don't let me stop her!!  It would be fun to see. 

Anyway, here are my Top 5 favorite breakfast kinds cereals: 

5. Frosted Mini-Wheats - I just love filling these little pillows of cereal with almond milk and eating them.  They fill my stomach, they are sweet, and satisfying to eat!  

4. Frosted Flakes - When I need a dose of childhood, Tony the Tiger and Frosted Flakes are there for me.  As an adult who doesn't eat the flakes often, they do tear up the roof of my mouth a bit, but it is totally worth it as they taste so good. In fact, they're Grrreat!!!  

3. Chocolate Chex  It is gluten-free and satisfies a chocolate craving.   

2. Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries - I like the variety of texture in a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats with the clusters, flakes, and strawberries.  The flavor is also sweet but not overwhelmingly so.  

1. Honeynut Cheerios - This is the champion of cereals for me.  First, it is delicious any time.  I enjoy it with some almond milk, but when I am rushing out the door for work, I throw some in a bag and enjoy later.  On top of all that, it is a gluten-free option that takes care of any sweets cravings.