Sunday, October 10, 2021

2021 Personal Stats - Update October

Three quarters of the year down!  It is hard to believe that October is here which means it is time for the second to last Personal Stats update for 2021.  Here is where I am on October 12: 

Movies watched: 25
Rewatch: 12
First time: 13

TV series (streamed):
Episodes: 69
Rewatch: 28
First time: 41

Books read: 17
Graphic Novels: 3
Fiction: 11
Nonfiction: 3
Pages read: 3412

Books abandoned:
Graphic Novels:
Pages read:

Short Stories: 8
Pages read: 244

Comic books read: 131
Digital: 56
Print: 75

It is probably noted that I added a category titled "Books Abandoned."  I haven't done that yet, but I sense it coming soon.  I always tell the students at my school that if they are reading a book they aren't enjoying, they should stop reading it.  I may be reading a couple books that fit that criterion.  

Now that the school year is back in full swing, the stats have slowed in growth, but I did recently continue my MCU timeline rewatch by viewing Captain America: Civil War which has so much more context after watching The Falcon and  Winter Soldier this last year.  I also recently watched Raya and the Last Dragon with my family.  This was a fun, enjoyable film to watch with the family.  

I have been disappointed with the new update of Marvel Unlimited.  They removed the library, so when I want to read a quick comic when I have a few minutes, I have to hunt down something I haven't read.  In the past, I would just go to my unread library and choose something I had preselected.  I hope they bring this back in some updates.  

Anyway, one more quarter to create the baseline I need to measure my consumption of things I love.  

Here is where I was at the last check-in in July.  

Here is the link to the original Personal Stats post.  

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