Tuesday, July 6, 2021

2021 Personal Stats Update - July 6

I hope everyone is enjoying summer and taking some time to read and watch some great summer content.  I wanted to take a minute to update the stats on my entertainment consumption.  This includes the first six months of the year.  

Have you ever gotten in a funk where nothing seems to satisfy your entertainment enjoyment?  I hit that moment late in May when I was caught up on my print comics, I had finished a book, and I was just starting a comic event (X of Swords).  I just couldn't get into anything and I found myself spending more time playing mobile games instead of reading or even catching up on some shows.  It was really frustrating!  To shake things up, I checked out a book of short stories from the library thinking that I could get through some quick stories and maybe get into a groove.  Basically, do something different.  This plan worked beautifully!  I got through some great short stories by R.A. Salvatore and that got me back on track. Therefore, there is now a new category on my stat sheet: Short Stories.  I imagine I may return to those before the year is out.  

Movies watched: 17
Rewatch: 11
First time: 6

TV series (streamed):
Episodes: 38
Rewatch: 15
First time: 23

Books read: 11
Graphic Novels: 3
Fiction: 11
Nonfiction: 1
Pages read: 3088

Short Stories: 7
Pages read: 196

Comic books read: 81
Digital: 45
Print: 36

Once again, I am really enjoying this process.  It has continued to motivate me to continue with more intentionality to enjoy the stories I love!  

I have read some really enjoyable books like, Sorcery of Thorns, The Bridge Over the River Kwai and short stories from R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt Anthology.  I have enjoyed on Disney+ Star Wars: The Bad Batch and Marvel's Loki.  I would like to finish the second season of Star Wars: Resistance and on Netflix I have seasons of She-Ra and The Last Avatar to finish up.  I would love to get those done before I head back to the 2021/2022 school year.  I also need to keep moving forward with my rewatch of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that I started in January with my daughter.  

There is so much great stuff to enjoy and share!  

If you would like to see the original post, check out this link of the original post

If you would like to see the first-quarter numbers, check out this post from April.

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