Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Favorites: Saturday Relaxation

It is time for another "Friday Favorites" list.  This month: Saturday Relaxation.  In all seriousness, I came up with this topic as I woke up recently from a nap on a chilly, wet Saturday afternoon.  I often feel guilty on a Saturday afternoon when I have taken a long nap, and I wake up seeing others in the house being productive.  It made me think about what my favorite things are to do to relax on a Saturday.  

Let's face it, there is "lazy" relaxation and then there is "productive" relaxation.  Calling something lazy does not always mean bad. Personally, I would consider lazy as blindly scrolling social media and in a similar way channel surfing on television.  There is always a place for either, but I think we know when we have crossed a line. My Top 5 ways to relax are all what I would call "productive" relaxation.  What is lazy or productive is always up for debate, but here are my Top 5 ways to relax on a Saturday.  

5. Clean the house:  Yes, I realize it sounds crazy, but sometimes the process of cleaning brings relaxing satisfaction that the house looks nice.  The room that is most satisfying to clean to me is the kitchen.  I just love seeing a shiny stove and cleared off countertop after a busy week where the dishes may have built up a little or a lot.  I enjoy visiting the kitchen to pick up a snack or to start a Saturday night dinner when it is spotlessly clean.  It also makes for a stress-free Sunday while planning meals for the week.  

4. Write:  I don't often get to do this on a Saturday, but it is relaxing to me to get thoughts out of my head and onto a page or document.  I do try to write both ways: written and typed.  I tend to put more personal thoughts and ideas handwritten in a journal where I try to keep my creative writing typed on a document for easy editing.  I think I find it to be particularly relaxing because it is a solitary, reflective practice.  My writing will never be famous; I've never had that intention, so it is nice to just write and enjoy.

3. Work out:  Once I start a workout, I thoroughly enjoy that time.  It sometimes takes a little willpower to motivate me to start a workout on a weekend (don't want to get all sweaty, don't want to spend the time, lazy), but once I get going, I am always happy I did it.  In fact, I cannot think of one time where I thought, "Jeez, I wish I wouldn't have worked out today."  Whereas, there are a number of times at the end of a Saturday I think, "I wish I would have worked out today."  I always feel energized when I complete a workout, and for those times the workout wears me out, it is Saturday and I can take a nap.  Speaking of naps...

2.  Take a nap:  Taking a nap is my number two most relaxing activity for a Saturday.  It is so satisfying to lay down in the middle of the day with the purpose to cozy in on the couch or back in bed to take a snooze.  I have nothing more to say about that!  

1. Read:  I just love to pick up a book, newspaper, comic book or magazine to read on a Saturday.  Normally, my day begins with the local newspaper, which continues to become smaller and smaller as newspapers become more and more obsolete.  I refuse to give up on local journalism, but it seems that financially, they will give up on me.  Until that day comes, I will continue to read the Saturday paper with my morning coffee.  When I don't have as much time, I will find time to look at a magazine or online article, but if there is time for a book, you better believe I am settling in to do some reading.  Reading really helps me to escape as my mind slips away from our world into the setting of the book with the characters and I am taken someplace else.  It is the best escape for me, and therefore it is my number one way to relax on a Saturday.  

Relaxing and taking time for ourselves, our families, or our friends is a positive way to spend a Saturday.  In my mind, the idea of relaxing seems like a waste of time, but really, it is quite productive because it energizes us and helps to clear our minds.  Make relaxation intentional to keep it productive and keep yourself from participating in "lazy" activities that can sometimes actually zap our energy and motivation.  Take some time to relax this weekend by yourself, with family, or with friends.  It will be a good use of your free time.  

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