Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Free Comic Book Day 2022!

Just before the end of 2021, the Free Comic Book Day committee announced that it will return to its traditional "First Saturday in May" date.  In 2022, that date is Saturday, May 7!  I am quite excited about this announcement.  This "holiday" reminds me of how much I enjoy the art and storytelling format of comics as I get to read through new stories or comics that I have never experienced before.  Another reason I enjoy Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is for the family memories that are attached.  

I remember taking my two girls (much younger then) to our local comic book store, Zeek's Comics and Games, on FCBD.  My girls have never had much interest in comic books and that's cool, they are who they are.  But on FCBD they always want to go with me as they seem to really enjoy browsing through the new/free books.  Sometimes I think they enjoy it because the covers look different than the new comic book wall they normally see on a weekly basis.  There are books they don't normally see there such as My Little Pony, Archie, Marvel Rising, Diana Princess of the Amazons, or The Descendants.  

I like stepping back and watching them browse through the books trying to decide which three or four they would like to take home.  I get to watch them discuss the pictures and the art.  These are conversations I don't often witness when they are out and about.  Once they have made their picks, they always want to see what I chose, because they know I won't have my typical stack of Star Wars or Spider-man books.  They know that I cherish this day to take a look at new stuff.  When we reach the car, the ride home is always quiet as they are flipping through the pages of the books they grabbed.  I seriously cherish this, because as they get older, that time together, the time for conversation and stopping to just watch them gets shorter and shorter.  Not long ago, I was helping my youngest daughter straighten up her room and I came across a stash of FCBD books.  I asked her if she wanted me to put them away.  She told me, "no," she likes to look through them every now and then.  Even though my daughters aren't necessarily fans of comic books, I hope other kids get to attend FCBD.  Maybe their mom or dad will find the joy in watching them flip through the pages and choose which books they would like to take.  I hope that the accessibility of the free books triggers a spark in some of the children that makes them ask to return to get more to create that love of the story told through word and art.  

Needless to say, I am excited for the return of Free Comic Book Day.  The FCBD committee announced that there are 46 comic book titles that will highlight the day.  Here are a few of the titles that are sure to bring some excitement to children and adults alike.  Here is the link to the full list:  

How about the 25th anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by BOOM! studios?  Can it be 25 years?  This could be a good conversation starter for kids and their parents who loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Also by BOOM! studios is a really cool book called Hollow that is set in...yes..Sleepy Hollow, so I bet you can guess who the antagonist is.  This may end up on my pull list in 2022!

Red Sonja by Dynamite Entertainment

Check out this classic Red Sonja cover!!  It is as stunning as the main character of this book; it is sure to be a hit, so swears Red Sonja!

Enemies by Svetlana Chmakova Yen Press

So many of my students enjoy Chmakova's other books, Awkward, Brave, and Crush, that just seeing the cover of Enemies makes me want to dive into this story.  I have a feeling I know two girls who will walk away with their own copies of the Enemies preview.  

Of course, just like in any year, the big publishers like DC, Marvel, and IGN will have titles on FCBD.  So mark your calendars and be sure to make a trip to your local comic shop in May. 

Want more information and a video with all the scheduled Free Comic Book Day books?  Check out the video: 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Friday Favorites: Top 5 Activities to Stay Fit

It is generally at this time of year that we see Weight Watchers, Planet Fitness, and other health/weight loss advertisements on television.  It makes sense.  This is the time we generally make resolutions for the new year.  It is an age-old tradition with the end of one year to the beginning of the next.  For me, it is fun to make resolutions, but the real change comes in simply making life changes.  

January's Friday Favorites are my Top 5 activities to stay fit.  They are all designed to be fun but fit at the same time.  Why is fun so important?  If a fitness activity isn't fun, then we won't want to do it, or we will resent the activity to where we come to hate it and we stop.  Then we beat ourselves up, because we aren't doing something healthy.  Those feelings are self-defeating and no fun.   

If anything on my list doesn't sound like fun, don't add the activities to your routine!  Create a list of fun-fit activities you like to do.  Create a list of activities that include things you can do alone and things you can do with others like family or friends.  Try to find activities that vary in intensity, but most importantly, make the activities things you want to do and can achieve.  I should also add that if you are adding new activities to your life and you have had health issues, be sure to discuss this with your doctor.  They are pretty smart about how to keep you healthy.  Also, remember that having a healthy diet goes a long way to helping you feel great.  

Here are my top five favorite activities to stay healthy: 

5. Group Fitness Classes:  Check out your local gym or health club.  I am sure that they have some weight training classes or indoor biking classes or any number of other strength and cardio classes.  If you are a little reticent to try these classes because of "peer pressure," don't be!  Everyone remembers their first class.  The nervousness flees from you quickly as the music starts and you start working out with everyone else.  These classes can be hard, so take it easy.  A good instructor will tell you to take it easy and just get a hang of the class the first time or two.  You will fall in love with these classes very quickly!  

4. Push-ups:  Am I serious?  You bet!!  Start small (the theme of this post).  I started with one set of 20 push-ups on my knees every morning.  Before long, (1 week) I was moving it up to 30.  Then two sets, then I came up off my knees to my toes and backed off the reps and added sets.  I think I went to 10 push-ups on my toes and did 3 sets.  There are all sorts of push-up workouts on the Internet.  Find one that makes sense to you and go at it!  Every day!  You will see and feel a difference. 

3. Yoga:  This can be complicated and it is possible to hurt yourself, so I highly recommend finding a certified trainer or group class.  Once you get the basics of yoga, then you can move it to your own  workout space at home.  There is lots of advice online that is great when you get the basics down from an instructor.  I find that when I add yoga to my workout plan, it gives me a good "off" day from weights or cardio, or it makes for a great way to cool down and stretch at the end of a workout.  Don't be fooled thought, yoga is a workout and the benefits of doing yoga are numerous.  Personally, I find it really helps my body stay loose from the stretching and it brings me a sense of peace.  You will likely find other benefits, so find an instructor and learn.  

2. Running/Walking:  Go to your local running store and get a good pair of running shoes.  Yes, you get what you pay for and the expertise of a local running store employee is well worth the money.  You don't have to run a marathon (although that is an amazing goal to have).  Find a local running group and start small.  As I mentioned with the Group Fitness classes, finding a running group adds motivation and accountability while bringing the fun of making new friends and having some laughs along the way.  All runners started somewhere simple and running half a mile for a few weeks is 100% okay.  

I have been walking on a treadmill for 20-30 minutes 3-5 days a week as part of my workout for about 2 years.  I have added spurts of running from time-to-time to add variety, but I don't find running on the treadmill to be fun. I just do it to get my heart rate up a little then I go back to walking.  I miss these walks on my off days, and I think if you find something to hold your attention (watching a show or the news, listening to a book or music) the time really flies and you will feel great when the walk is over.  

1. Biking:  I love biking!  It is low impact on the body, and when you are outside, you can cover a lot of ground on the bike.  I enjoy bike rides with my family or longer, faster rides with members of the cycling community or just by myself.  I also enjoy indoor rides by myself in my basement or at a local gym in a group fitness class.  Find a local bike store that can get you set up with a good bike that will fit your needs.  The cost of biking varies, but like I mentioned with finding a local running store, a local bike shop is well worth the extra dollars to find the right bike.  Many bike stores also have a nice stock of used bikes that they take as trade-ins for new bikes, so you may find a deal on a used bike that has professional maintenance.  Also, don't forget to get plenty of safety items, headlights and flashing red lights for the rear of your bike.  Get reflective clothing so cars have no excuse to not see you.  

I love cycling because of the community of riders out there.  There are so many cool people who ride to work, ride across the country, ride across town or just ride in the neighborhood.  A bike opens the door for conversation.  I am also an advocate for indoor cycling as well.  You can meet a wonderful community at your local gym or bike shop who get together to take an indoor cycling class or just put bikes onto indoor trainers and ride together.  If it has been a while since you have been on a bike, try it out.  Find a friend to ride with and plan out routes around town.  Take advantage of cycling lanes in your city or bike paths that many towns are adding.  There are also Rails-to-Trails projects all across the United States. I bet there are some trails you could ride somewhere near you.  

I hope you find one of my Top 5 activities to stay fit inspiring.  Find what works for you and create your own Top 5 activities that you love and look forward to doing to stay fit.  

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Personal Stats for 2021 and Goals for 2022

Last year I was inspired at this time to begin tracking my reading and viewing.  It has been fun to watch the page numbers rise as the year went on and watch the number of episodes watched increase.  Now that I have tracked the numbers of books and pages, episodes, and movies, I now have a baseline to work with to compare my reading and viewing habits.   Thanks for following along all year with me as I have done quarterly reports for fun and accountability.  I plan to continue the quarterly check-ins as 2022 moves along.  

Below, please find the final numbers for 2021.  

Movies watched: 31
Rewatch: 16
First time: 15

TV series (streamed): 86 Episodes
Rewatch: 40
First time: 46

Books read: 21
Graphic Novels: 6
Fiction: 12
Nonfiction: 3
Pages read: 4,195

Books abandoned: 0
Graphic Novels:
Pages read:

Audiobooks: 3
Fiction: 3

Short Stories: 8
Pages read: 244

Comic books read: 164
Digital: 64
Print: 100

Some goals I have for 2022:

I plan to keep track of the books and movies that I read and watch as the year goes on. I have had a few people ask about those. You can keep track of what I'm reading on the blog homepage in the left-hand menu.

I really want to read more books. I would like to see a number closer to 30 in 2022 even if that means more Graphic Novels and Manga!

I also want to take more advantage of the catalog of comics in Marvel Unlimited and Comics Plus. I have not gotten used to the new platform that Marvel has created for Marvel Unlimited. I don't like it, but I need to stop being stubborn and just figure out how to make it work for me.

Here are the links to the 2021 check-ins:



