Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Personal Stats update April 2021

You may remember that I started keeping personal stats of my consumption of reading and viewing content for 2021.  If you missed that post, check it out.  Here is a quick update of my progress through April 28:   

Movies watched: 17
Rewatch: 11
First time: 6

TV series (streamed):
Episodes: 24
Rewatch: 8
First time: 16

Books read: 9
Graphic Novels: 3
Fiction: 5
Nonfiction: 1
Pages read: 2451

Comic books read: 68
Digital: 43
Print: 25

I have no idea how I am doing as I have no stats from past years in which to compare, but I will say that this seems pretty good for me. I am really surprised by the number of films I have watched. Most of the rewatch films are MCU rewatches. Most of the TV series are WandaVision and The Falcon and Winter Soldier.

This has been fun. It seems silly, but I am actually finding it helps give me closure when I finish a story. I get to visit my Google Keep note where I keep the stats and I have a second to reflect on the story I just read or viewed. It is a short moment, but it is satisfying. I will pass on an update around July for the half-year check-in.

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