Tuesday, February 9, 2021

MCU Rewatch: Top 5 Moments so far

My daughter and I, at her request, are watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe films in timeline order.  Most of these films are rewatches for me, but for some of them, it has been years since I've seen them.  For her, most of these are the first time watching.  She has seen Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1&2, Black Panther, Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame.  So, for this first part, all but Captain Marvel are new for her.  I will let her share her thoughts, but this is a Top 5 Moments for me in rewatching. 

For the record, here is the list of films we have watched so far:  Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, and The Avengers

5.  The introduction of Black Widow in Iron Man 2.  I remembered that she was in the film, but I had forgotten the level of her involvement.  She had completely infiltrated Stark Industries!  This also previewed her amazing fighting moves and made it clear what kind of an impact she would have as part of the Avengers. 

4.  Captain America in The Avengers, "There's only one God, ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."  There are a dozen examples of the honesty and lawfulness of Captain America, but this one made me smile while realizing how cool it is that Captain America is a Christian and he's proud of it.  

3. The twist in Captain Marvel when we realize that the Skrulls are not the bad guys...at least not in this film.  So, I spent the entire film whispering in my daughters' ears, "Those guys (the Skrulls) are the bad guys.  That guy is a bad guy."  I had to wait for the shock to die down before I could explain to my daughters that sometimes dads are wrong and I totally didn't see that coming.  I still don't think we have seen the last of the Skrulls, though...

2.  Thor unable to lift his hammer in his own film Thor.  I was underwhelmed by this film in the theater, but now in the context of the entire MCU, I loved this film.  I was really moved by his attempt to retrieve his hammer after making an impressive break-in to the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp, he steps up and learns that he is unworthy.  His defeat is heartbreaking.  This scene also introduces Hawkeye to the MCU, which is so cool.  

1.  When Captain America drops in on Loki's "authority" over the crowd in The Avengers.  This moment may be a top 5 for all the films.  When Loki makes the crowd kneel and gives his speech to explain that this is how humans are meant to be, then the old man stands and makes reference to the past and there are always people like him (Loki).  It is a moving moment of the everyman standing up for what is right, but when faced by a god in Loki, it takes a hero, an American hero, like Captain America to stand up or drop in to save the innocent.  The scene makes me so happy as he represents pride and power for what is right.  It stands as my top moment in the first set of MCU films we have watched.   

Stay tuned for my Top 5 of the next few films. What are your Top 5 moments?  Comment below or on Twitter and tag me @draftline  

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