Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Content Creation: We are all in this Together

When it comes to creating content, my heart is always up for it, but my mind is always cautious and questioning.  I look around at the areas in which I would be interested in creating content: Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars reaction, comic book analysis, Marvel Cinematic Universe breakdown, baseball talk  and more.  I have a lot to say, but I question the value.  Why?  I look around at what is out there.  There are some really smart and creative people who are really successful and fun to read or watch or listen to.  What could I possibly have to add to the conversation?  

I was recently listening to the podcast, Dragon Talk, while shoveling the driveway.  Hosts Greg Tito @gregtito and Shelly Mazzanoble @shellymoo were interviewing Jordan Parker of @Lionhead_Gaming  The topic of content creation came up with the question, "What is the hardest thing you struggled with becoming a D&D content creator?"  Jordan, who is massively positive and has the greatest laugh in the world, said, "Being cognizant that other people's success is not your failure."  I stopped shoveling and stood there in the cold thinking about that statement, because I think that is what keeps me from creating content.  I am looking at the success of others and think, "I could never do that as good as they do."  Parker went on to say that we need to support and love the content creators around you.  It fuels the fire for everyone.  Keep the jealousy and envy at bay.  This thirty seconds of audio resonated so deeply with me. 

It is such a positive outlook on this traditional concept of competition.  I feel we live in a world where we are or we aren't, but Jordan's view is that together we are all stronger.  Together we fuel the fire that builds all of us up.  There is enough space for more Dungeon Masters and adventures.  There is enough space for reactions to Star Wars or comic books or movies or baseball.  If we communicate and reach out to one another, we will each build up something great.  Not separate in competition, but together in partnership.  

The most important part for me though, is his inital answer that other's people's success is not your failure.  I mean, who are we creating for anyway?  Personally, I am creating for myself, because I find enjoyment and fullfilment.  If making content makes us happy and we share it with a few, a lot, or a whole bunch of people and they enjoy it, all the better!  Success lies in our own hearts.  

If you have been holding back, take heart.  Remember who you are creating for...you!  If you share your creations and others love it, great!!  If they hate it, well, you didn't make it for them anyway.  You have something special in you, so make it and share it.  Connect with others who share your passion and together, build something great!  


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