Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Content Creation: We are all in this Together

When it comes to creating content, my heart is always up for it, but my mind is always cautious and questioning.  I look around at the areas in which I would be interested in creating content: Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars reaction, comic book analysis, Marvel Cinematic Universe breakdown, baseball talk  and more.  I have a lot to say, but I question the value.  Why?  I look around at what is out there.  There are some really smart and creative people who are really successful and fun to read or watch or listen to.  What could I possibly have to add to the conversation?  

I was recently listening to the podcast, Dragon Talk, while shoveling the driveway.  Hosts Greg Tito @gregtito and Shelly Mazzanoble @shellymoo were interviewing Jordan Parker of @Lionhead_Gaming  The topic of content creation came up with the question, "What is the hardest thing you struggled with becoming a D&D content creator?"  Jordan, who is massively positive and has the greatest laugh in the world, said, "Being cognizant that other people's success is not your failure."  I stopped shoveling and stood there in the cold thinking about that statement, because I think that is what keeps me from creating content.  I am looking at the success of others and think, "I could never do that as good as they do."  Parker went on to say that we need to support and love the content creators around you.  It fuels the fire for everyone.  Keep the jealousy and envy at bay.  This thirty seconds of audio resonated so deeply with me. 

It is such a positive outlook on this traditional concept of competition.  I feel we live in a world where we are or we aren't, but Jordan's view is that together we are all stronger.  Together we fuel the fire that builds all of us up.  There is enough space for more Dungeon Masters and adventures.  There is enough space for reactions to Star Wars or comic books or movies or baseball.  If we communicate and reach out to one another, we will each build up something great.  Not separate in competition, but together in partnership.  

The most important part for me though, is his inital answer that other's people's success is not your failure.  I mean, who are we creating for anyway?  Personally, I am creating for myself, because I find enjoyment and fullfilment.  If making content makes us happy and we share it with a few, a lot, or a whole bunch of people and they enjoy it, all the better!  Success lies in our own hearts.  

If you have been holding back, take heart.  Remember who you are creating for...you!  If you share your creations and others love it, great!!  If they hate it, well, you didn't make it for them anyway.  You have something special in you, so make it and share it.  Connect with others who share your passion and together, build something great!  


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My Favorite New Marvel Comic Title

I like to support my local comic shop, and ask that everyone buy a few print comics to support our local shops and the industry overall.  I am totally loyal to the print copies of The Amazing Spider-Man, Star Wars, Conan the Barbarian,  as well as IDW's Star Wars Adventures and a few special issues here and there.  After that, I consume comics digitally.  I don't have to worry about folding the cover or an issue tearing while sitting in the car.  Digital comics are always with me.  I've talked about Marvel Unlimited in the past, but I mention all that because I am about 3 months late from the print release in finding my favorite new Marvel title, Shang-Chi by Gene Luen Yan

A few years ago I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Gene Luen Yang thanks to a school librarian friend who brought him to her school to speak and sign autographs.  What I discovered is, not only is he a super talented writer and artist, but he is a really gracious and friendly guy.  We had the opportunity to visit about everything from comics, to favorite television shows, his travel adventures and libraries.  One little tidbit that he dropped that didn't come back to my mind until now was that he told me he had a "little" project that he was discussing with Marvel Comics.  Now at that time, it could have been anything, but I like to think that he was referring to this book, Shang-Chi.  What a cool project he has created, and it is my favorite new Marvel title.  

Coming into the comic, I didn't know much about Shang-Chi other than he is a martial artist superhero.  I didn't know anything about the back story, but issue one breaks it all down.  It's an interesting set-up with ancient societies and a really well-known but obscure villain.  After the first two issues, it isn't certain that the villain introduced in the flashback/history part opening will be a major player right away, but it was cool to see it.  Yang delivers with great dialog and history to set the story up.  The pieces of the story come together quickly to let the story move right away.  The art by Dike Ruan is clear, detailed and realistic whereas the flashback art by Philip Tan is gritty and gives a sense of history to the story with darker tones and a faded, blending of lines.  I've been looking forward to the release of this book, but now I look forward to the release of each issue on Marvel Unlimited.  

If you are looking for a newer book to check out, especially with the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings to release this July, this is a great story to experience.  Be sure to pick it up from your local comic shop or subscribe to Marvel Unlimited for this story and a massive amount of digital comics from the Marvel Universe.  

Update 2/17/21:  "Marvel Comics is proud to announce that the incredible team will continue their bold work on the character this May in a new ongoing series. SHANG-CHI #1 will kick off a surprising new journey for Marvel’s greatest fighter as he finds himself on the opposite side of Marvel’s heroes."  https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/shang-chi-2021-new-comic-series

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

MCU Rewatch: Top 5 Moments so far

My daughter and I, at her request, are watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe films in timeline order.  Most of these films are rewatches for me, but for some of them, it has been years since I've seen them.  For her, most of these are the first time watching.  She has seen Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1&2, Black Panther, Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame.  So, for this first part, all but Captain Marvel are new for her.  I will let her share her thoughts, but this is a Top 5 Moments for me in rewatching. 

For the record, here is the list of films we have watched so far:  Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, and The Avengers

5.  The introduction of Black Widow in Iron Man 2.  I remembered that she was in the film, but I had forgotten the level of her involvement.  She had completely infiltrated Stark Industries!  This also previewed her amazing fighting moves and made it clear what kind of an impact she would have as part of the Avengers. 

4.  Captain America in The Avengers, "There's only one God, ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."  There are a dozen examples of the honesty and lawfulness of Captain America, but this one made me smile while realizing how cool it is that Captain America is a Christian and he's proud of it.  

3. The twist in Captain Marvel when we realize that the Skrulls are not the bad guys...at least not in this film.  So, I spent the entire film whispering in my daughters' ears, "Those guys (the Skrulls) are the bad guys.  That guy is a bad guy."  I had to wait for the shock to die down before I could explain to my daughters that sometimes dads are wrong and I totally didn't see that coming.  I still don't think we have seen the last of the Skrulls, though...

2.  Thor unable to lift his hammer in his own film Thor.  I was underwhelmed by this film in the theater, but now in the context of the entire MCU, I loved this film.  I was really moved by his attempt to retrieve his hammer after making an impressive break-in to the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp, he steps up and learns that he is unworthy.  His defeat is heartbreaking.  This scene also introduces Hawkeye to the MCU, which is so cool.  

1.  When Captain America drops in on Loki's "authority" over the crowd in The Avengers.  This moment may be a top 5 for all the films.  When Loki makes the crowd kneel and gives his speech to explain that this is how humans are meant to be, then the old man stands and makes reference to the past and there are always people like him (Loki).  It is a moving moment of the everyman standing up for what is right, but when faced by a god in Loki, it takes a hero, an American hero, like Captain America to stand up or drop in to save the innocent.  The scene makes me so happy as he represents pride and power for what is right.  It stands as my top moment in the first set of MCU films we have watched.   

Stay tuned for my Top 5 of the next few films. What are your Top 5 moments?  Comment below or on Twitter and tag me @draftline  

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Keeping it Positive

It saddens me to see several of my friends post that they are stepping away from social media because the toxicity has become too much.  First, good for them for being able to walk away, but these are good people who spread a message of positivity.  They participate in communities that are designed to be a fun escape and meant to expand ideas and the way we think.   I support them for knowing when enough is enough, but that still makes me sad that we are living in a social media world where a toxic, negative, and hate thrive and drive good out.  So, what can we do about that?  Here are a couple things that have helped me.  I am no counselor or doctor.  I am not an expert on social media behavior, so take this for what it is worth.  

I try to check myself first.  When I make a post, I ask myself these questions: Is this meant to encourage, build-up, continue a conversation or create positive change?   Social media is intended for the user to share with friends and family.  I don't know what everyone else learned, but when I was a kid, sharing always had a positive connotation.  I will share my cake.  I will share the blocks I am playing with.  I will share my friendship.  Sharing never meant doing bad.  So, I make the extra effort that when I share,  I do my best to ensure it is the good that I am sharing.  

Second, when someone does think that they need to share hate, negativity or toxic ideas, I don't accept it.  I don't have to read that post!  I don't have to reply to negativity!  That is not my obligation.  Quite frankly, I just ignore it....okay, it's not that easy, but I'm human so that is what I try to do.  It is true though; I am not obligated to participate in someone's negativity.  

If we are faced with toxicity, hate, intolerance we should block it.  There is a difference between toxicity and differing points of view.  We should resist blocking those who simply have views different that ours.  We need to know what others are thinking.  It helps us to balance our own beliefs, and we do need to be open-minded.  The negativity, hate, toxicity are attacks; we don't have to accept that.  There are sensible people out there who have civil ways of presenting the "other side" of the argument.  These are people who value the discourse.  Here is an example, I have a friend who loves the original Star Wars trilogy but absolutely thinks the rest of the main films are garbage.  We don't agree, but he doesn't spew hate and venom about it.  He has his reasons and that is great!  We have some really interesting conversations, usually with a beer in hand, and we walk away maybe a little closer to the middle in agreeing on things.  And that is totally cool.  Find those people in your fandom, in politics, and anywhere else you struggle with the toxic culture.  

I hope this brings some clarity.  

Finally, I would like to state I would never advocate hate, hurt, or intolerance of others.  Period.  However, I do want to suggest that it is possible to be friends with those who may not share our beliefs.  We are better than the close-minded idea that we can only associate ourselves with those who share our exact beliefs.  I can understand my friend's position, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.  I have lots of friends who don't share my political, religious, moral, pop culture, and sports values, but we work through it.  And that is okay.  We need to continue to build a positive culture online and in our own lives by building community, understanding, and civility.  

**  These ideas are my own opinion and no reflection of any other entity I am affiliated with.