Wednesday, April 13, 2022

New Logo!!

A benefit to working at a high school is that I work with a lot of talented people.  In this case, I am referring to the students I work with.  One of our advanced art classes does a unit on graphic design for business, and I asked the teacher if one of the students could help me with a logo for my blog.  

After emailing back and forth with the student a few times for her to get a feel for what my blog discusses, she sent me the first draft.  I liked it!  She nailed the "feel" for my writing, but I wanted a bit more visual.  I replied what I loved and asked for something that includes the feel of "galaxy" and "searching."  That is what I got!  What do you think?  I love it!

The positive that I want to share here is there is so much promise in our youth.  I know they get a bad rap about being constantly connected to their devices, and they catch a lot of heat for laziness or an "I don't care" attitude.  Let's remember that our youth learn by watching adults, and maybe we all could have a bit of a new look at our behaviors as well.  But don't fret, our youth bring talent to the table as they grow and mature, just like the generations before them.  I see it every day in their creativity, discussion, athleticism, drive, and positivity.

So, thank you to Heidi, for her hard work, creativity, and excellent listening to what I was looking for.  Seeking Positivity in the Galaxy now has a logo!  

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