Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Personal Stats for 2021

I love statistics!  I am not always best at understanding the significance of all statistics that I see like in baseball, I'm never sure of the significance of the slugging percentage vs. on-base percentage, but that's okay.  I get the gist and that works for me.  Anyway, browsing through my Twitter feed on New Years Day, I came across a post from @eyeoncanon for an idea of tracking my reading, viewing and listening.  

So based on this tweet, I have created a Google Keep Note that has the following categories: 
Movies watched: 
First Time:

TV series: 
First Time:

Books Read:
Graphic Novels:
Pages Read:

Comic Books Read:

First, I do enjoy looking back and seeing what I consider progress as I watch page numbers or completion of materials read/viewed increase.  It feels like an accomplishment, but it also helps me to track my interests.  I really like that @eyeoncanon even figures the details of percentage increase or decrease from year-to-year.  That really blew my mind!  I find it amusing to think that a few years from now after I have some real numbers to compare, I will be able to say to myself, "Dude, you really slacked in 20__!"  

Anyway, I also feel that this will help me to keep up with what I think is important to me.  I find myself spending quite a bit of time with the endless scrolling on social media which is not something I value, but there I am scrolling.  Having a way to record the time I find on things I value, reading and watching movies and T.V. shows I enjoy, adds motivation.  

I am grateful to @eyeoncanon for this positive way to record time spent on things I value.  What would your list look like?  What kinds of things do you enjoy that are worthy of data tracking?  I will check-in from time to time to share my progress throughout the year.  Stay tuned!  

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