Friday, January 1, 2021

2020: What did We Learn?

 I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!  Welcome to 2021!  

I have seen many farewells to 2020 that range from completely profane to "good riddance!" in nature.  I understand the sentiment.  It was a rough year all around.  From all the restrictions and health scare of the pandemic to racial issues that came to a climax over the summer and a political climate and election that would be called stressful at the least.  Yep, 2020 gave us a lot in which to manage.  

Instead of brushing off our shoulders and leaving 2020 in the dust, what if we stopped to reflect on what we learned from 2020?  Personally, I don't want to forget how 2020 changed me.  I don't want to forget the challenges of the year.  I don't want to forget how I felt when I thought it was necessary to download a scanner app on my phone to keep it by the side of the bed.  I really don't want to forget how my thinking was challenged over the summer with social and political events.  I don't want to forget seeing the disappointment on my daughters' faces when they realized that their state gymnastics competitions would be canceled.  I don't want to forget how scared I was of catching the virus when I am prone to asthma and pneumonia.  I don't want to forget the feelings of needing to escape and go out to do something, anything for a "break."  Why?  Why would I want to remember and feel those things?  I learned something from each and every one of the feelings I had.  I may still be trying to figure out what I learned, and we all may need to return to a sense of normalcy before we learn what the lessons were.  If we shrug off 2020, and walk away without looking back, then 2020 truly was a waste.  But it wasn't.  

One thing I know, at least for me, is that I am walking away from this year a stronger person.  We all will!   We may have some scars of life and found ourselves vulnerable at times, but we are stronger indeed.  I know how much I need my family.  They drive me crazy at times, but that crazy is what is normal to me.  I need my friends.  They keep me grounded and give me a perspective that I don't always see.  Sometimes they are just there to tell me it's going to be okay.  I love my job.  Even though the pandemic took me away from doing my job where I typically do my job, but I still love it.  I count on it, and I will continue to work to improve.  

With that said, I say thank you to 2020.  You made me stronger.  You made me look at life in a new way.  You exposed some serious sores in us as people, communities, country and world, but now we can reflect on that and heal.  Now that you come to a close, 2020, I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Happy New Year to you, and we are now ready for 2021.  

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