Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Balancing Act of Life

If you've ever walked through a school building in the summer when students are on break, it can really look like a mess.  Work that needs to be done on the building always waits for the summer months so it doesn't interrupt student learning.  Yearly maintenance like stripping and waxing the floors takes place so the school looks its best when students return.  

What all of this means is that classrooms are packed up and moved to the hallways for waxing and other maintenance.  It is a feat stacking and balancing to take the contents of a classroom out of the room and fit it into the hall in a short amount of time.  

I encountered a stack of desks that caught my attention recently.  I had to stop and take a good look to see how many desks were in a stack that was in front of me (see picture).  I couldn't help but think of the balance and work it took to stack all of these and how that can be related to life.  Sometimes we are taken out of our comfort zone to balance a lot in our lives.  It may seem impossible.  It may seem hopeless to tackle.  It may seem like a tangled mess.  But if we approach all of the things we need to do from our 9 to 5 jobs, spouses/significant others, to taking care of children, maybe caring for a parent or spouse, fulfilling our own lives with our hobbies and social activities, it can really add up.  Like those who stacked these desks, if we really look at our tasks and responsibilities and try to balance them, we can make it work.  We also need to realize that maybe it is too much!  There is a ceiling after all.  

Anyway, I hope when things seem to be piling up, we can think of the desks in the hallways of a school in the summer.  We can stack them in a well-balanced way to make it all work out or say no to a few things to make it all balance out.  

P.S. I believe there are 5 desks per stack.  Nice work to our custodial and maintenance staff for their balancing and their amazing work to make our schools look awesome at the beginning of the year and all year long.  

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