Thursday, January 4, 2024

Top 5 Marvel Collect Digital Cards of 2023

It is time to continue looking at the top 5 digital cards from Topps.  Marvel Collect is up and there were some really great sets and cards this year that it was difficult to keep up and not completely run out of credits.  These 2023 Marvel Collect cards all come from the rare variant and are, in my opinion, the Top 5 of my collection.  There are many, many more insert sets that I don't have that might very well be much more interesting or coveted, but I am only going with what I've collected.  That said, I may not have succeeded in completing the set, but they are cards that I pulled from those sets.  You might recognize those last three sentences because they came right off the post from last week when I looked at the Top 5 Star Wars Card Trader 2023 cards.  If you didn't get a look at that post, you can click right here and then come back for the Marvel Top 5.  

Here are the Top 5 Marvel Collect cards from the account of CYCLELIBRARIAN: 

5. Guardians of the Galaxy Collection, Major Victory, Series 1 - Galactic Heroes - Static 10,083 Global Count

Okay, so right out of the gate I did a little cheating.  This card is actually from the Uncommon variant, but I knew I had a Major Victory card.  Major Victory is a really cool character with lots of interesting history, and he doesn't make many appearances in the digital card world.  He had to be on my Top 5.  

4. Collector' Reserve '23, Moon Knight, Volume 1 - Across the Universe - Silver, 12,823 Global  Count

Why did this card make my top 4?  Take a minute to look at the art on this card.  It comes right off of the cover of a book or off of a framed picture on the wall.  It is beautiful artwork.  On top of the realism of the card, it has great action where we can guess where he is coming from and where he is going.  What is his next move?  You tell me!  

3.  Avengers/X-Men 60th Anniversary Box, X-Men #6, Series 1 - Anniversary Varients - Group 1 - Red, 12,223 Global Count

I had this cover back in the day, and it is a classic.  It is an appropriate card image for an Anniversary set.  I love the action of the X-Men as they move from left to right on the page with classic poses from Cyclops, Psylocke, and Wolverine front and center.  In the background, the title of the team and book are carved into the mountain, rock solid.  Just awesome!  

2. Artist Spotlight 2023, Cable, Kael Ngu - White - Volume 1, N/A Global Count

First, thank you, Marvel Collect, for this set highlighting the awesome artists of the cards which we love.  Second, thanks for the Cable card.  It is no secret that Cable is my favorite X-Men character, but Kael Ngu pulled the image of how I see Cable right out of my head and put it on this card.  This is why it is number 2 on my Top 5.  

1. Women of Marvel 2023, Elektra, Series 2 - Silver, 8,865 Global Count

This may be more of a tip of the hat to the series than necessarily this card, but I don't think many could argue that this isn't a great card.  That is really the standard of this set that highlights many women of Marvel like Ghost Spider, She-Hulk, Black Cat, Wasp, Magik, and so many more.  Anyway, this card of Electra is just, well, electric.  

I decided to highlight one more card.  It is more of a gold star of my collection as it comes from the highest variant that I have, Epic, and it is the lowest Global Count card in my 2023 collection.  

Artist Spotlight 2023, Spider-man, Gabrielle Dell'Otto - Gold Motion - Volume 1, 127 Global Count

Thanks for taking a look at what I think are the Top 5 Marvel Collect digital cards from 2023 in my collection.  What do you think?  Would you have chosen these cards too?  Do you collect Marvel Collect too?  Give me a follow on the app CYCLELIBRARIAN and give me a follow right here on Seeking Positivity in the Galaxy.  

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