Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Sixteen years ago, I walked away from coaching competitive high school speech to move on with other parts of my life like becoming a National Board Certified teacher, starting a family, and trying triathlon and marathon racing among many other things.  Last year my oldest daughter decided to try out for the speech team at our high school.  I couldn't have been any more proud and excited for her when she decided to tip her toe into something that I was so passionate about as a high school competitor and coach years ago.  Not really to my surprise but to my complete pleasure, she is pretty darn good and just missed going to our state tournament in her freshman year.  With all of that excitement, I just couldn't help myself when an assistant coaching position opened up; I had to jump back in.  

I have to say that adding this to my schedule has not been easy and quite frankly, it has been quite exhausting.  Working with the kids, however, has been nothing short of pure joy.  I love seeing their faces squish up in doubt when I say, "try it this way."  And when they do, they are surprised at how it sounded or felt.  I love their willingness to take risks, to work hard in practice, and to build their skills.  We are just a month into the season, and we took a small team to their first meet in November.  I loved seeing the nerves of the first competition collide with their confidence after weeks of practice.  A few of our students saw success and some realized that "next-in-to-finals" feeling.  But, they all learned and had fun showing off their skills through performance and public speaking.  This is exactly why I decided to return.  Yes, I'm competitive, and I want the kids to be competitive too, but it is the life-long skills of public speaking that I want them to learn.  I want them to see that practice and taking constructive feedback brings growth and improvement.  

My daughter along with over half the team did not compete because they were busy putting on a musical that weekend, but I am so pumped to see her and her teammates go to their first meet in December.  Even though I don't officially coach my daughter, I get to talk to her about her speech and her delivery.  On a personal level, I am amazed at how much she has grown up in her 15 years.  I couldn't be more proud of being a coach on her team.  I love the sound of that.  I am a coach of HER team.  What more could a father want?  

I think of the students I work with and how much their parents have watched them grow over the years.   I think of the conversations that I have with them and I feel so privileged to be a part of their story.  I am glad I walked away to accomplish the things I needed to over the last 15 years but coming back now has been wonderful on so many levels.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Game Club Dungeons and Dragons: The Scarlet Citadel Part 2

Last week I started a series of posts that will recap the Dungeons and Dragons game I am leading with a small group of teens from my Game Club.  These are brand-new players to Dungeons and Dragons.  You can review the introduction and explanation of the Game Club as well as the first session recap here:  The Scarlet Citadel Part 1  You can also catch my recap on the Podcast Teachers in the Dungeon.  Here is the link to that first episode:  Teachers in the Dungeon  

The story picks up in the town of Redtower where the adventurers Posun the Wood Elf Monk and Faist Roffton the High Elf  Sorcerer have assisted a caravan of raw materials to the town.  After delivery to Agneiska, she recommends the adventurers head to the Cage Tavern and Inn where they should find food and lodging.  The two head across town to the Cage Tavern and Inn.  They are immediately taken by the large rib cage bone structure outside the inn leading into the construction of the building itself.  As

they enter, they note that the rib cage is incorporated into the construction of the building.  They note the eclectic architecture when the proprietor of the Cage Tavern and Inn welcomes the pair.  Ariadna and Ambrozy Gjorski offer them a room that includes a warm meal and breakfast.  Then, noting that Faist and Posun are new to Redtower, they introduce them to another newcomer named Striker.  Striker is a halfling and a little suspicious of strangers.  Ariadna suggests that if they have come to Redtower for adventure, they have come to the right place.  There are plenty of avenues for mercenary work and adventure in the White Forest, but most come to explore the Scarlet Citadel.  Posun mentions that they were ambushed by goblins on their travels to Redtower and that the goblins mentioned the name Gellert the Gruesome.  Ariadna makes the connection to the Scarlet Citadel by mentioning that rumor has it that Gellert is likely in the Citadel somewhere.  

Ariadna excuses himself to wait on other customers.  Posun and Faist talk with Striker to get to know him when they notice an old, grizzly soldier seated at a nearby table has taken interest in them.  The soldier is a younger man who just giggles and grunts.  The man introduces himself and his companion as Ted and Squeeks.  Ted asks them about their adventures, then interrupts their answer to tell them about his forays into the Scarlet Citadel.  As Ted talks more about the Citadel and the riches, he becomes crazed and incoherent all the while Squeeks just giggles and encourages Ted.  The party ends the conversation rather abruptly, and they head to their rooms to sleep.  

In the morning they decide to explore Redtower a bit and head to the Sweet Sap Brewery.  They meet Remy Argentford and Mags Halfbottle.  They are a couple of halflings who purchased the business a while back, but they become quite obsessed with Striker.  Being a halfling, Remy and Mags are so glad to meet him.  When they ask about his family name, he tells them, a bit suspiciously, that he has no family or family name.  The two become quite distraught with this as they cry and wail that Striker has no one.  They pledge friendship to him, feed him well, and move on to do other work.  Faist and Posun find some enjoyment in the attention that Striker received, but Striker seems quite unphased by all of this fuss.  

The trio decides the next step is to head for the Scarlet Citadel to see what all the talk is about.  

This ended the play session.  I was happy that they reported they had a good time.  When playing with teenagers, it is always dangerous to have a session that doesn't include combat or other similar action, but they really enjoyed the role-play in Redtower.  The session met most of my goals as DM.  I wanted the players to continue to explore their characters' personalities and skills of their characters.  The role-play helped with all of that.  The only goal we didn't meet was to get to the Scarlet Citadel, but that is where they are headed.  All in all, the session went well.  Stay tuned to part three in a few weeks. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Top 5 Foods I Can't Live Without

This could also be titled,  The Top 5 Lazy Food list, but I don't necessarily consider myself lazy.  Maybe just when it comes to foods.  These are foods that are a staple in our pantry at home, because no matter the mood, taste, or time of day, I can eat these and feel pretty happy.  Don't make the mistake though, this is not a healthy list.  Here we go:  

5. Potato Chips
Seriously, who doesn't love the crunchy, salty light snack?  Granted, it doesn't fill up the tummy, and
they should be eaten in conjunction with other foods (see #4 and #2 on this list), but potato chips are great!  My favorite chip is the plain, flat brand and not a rigid/ruffled style.  I prefer the non-flavored and I don't like too much salt.  Go easy, friends.  The best potato chip has a potato flavor with a thin chip and light salt. My favorite brands are:  Jays Potato Chips, Vitner's Potato Chips, Lays Lightly Salted Potato Chips, and Utz Original Potato Chips.  

4. Pizza
I suppose anyone who has been a regular reader of this page would know that I love pizza as I did a Top 5 Frozen Pizza post back in 2021.  I sometimes believe that I could legit live on pizza.  It is such a perfect format for a variety of types of pie: breakfast, meat, barbeque chicken, veggie,
etc.  There are so many options for pizza that even if you don't have a taste for "pizza," you can probably find a pizza that doesn't taste like a traditional "pizza."  Here are a few of my favorite pizza brands: Pizza Hut thin crust cheese and sausage; Casey's sausage Breakfast Pizza; Home Run Inn Sausage and Pepperoni frozen thin crust.  

3. Chocolate Chip Cookies
I have an unforgiving sweet tooth and it doesn't discriminate between cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, pudding, etc.  Cookies, though, take the cake (so to speak), and one cannot go wrong with a chocolate chip cookie.  I even like the Nice! brand (Walgreens) Soft Baked Chocolate Chip flavored Cookies.  Yes, chocolate chip flavored just doesn't seem right, but they are pretty good.  The chocolate chip cookie can
go anywhere with little mess.  I even like that most can stack and go into a pocket when one might feel that they need to conceal the evidence that there may be something sweet around.  Not that I would do such a thing, I say share them!  Here are a few of my favorites: Chips Ahoy! Chewy Chips Ahoy! Jimmy John's Chocolate Chunk, Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Chip cookies. 

2.  Cold-Cut Deli Turkey
This might be on the list because I need something with some health benefits, but I can eat a slice of deli turkey any time.  I can put it on a salad for something healthy and the turkey will help to fill me up.  My favorite lunch is a pile of cold-cut deli turkey wrapped in a slice of Colby Jack cheese, boring but functional.  My favorite: hand cut from an
actual deli, Oscar Meyer Deli Fresh Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, Oscar Meyer Natural Slow Roasted Turkey Breast. 

1.  Cereal  
The king of breakfast, anytime go-to meal, snack craving killer, the "just waiting for it" midnight snack, the boss of the pantry is that rectangular box of cereal.  Is this a surprise?  It shouldn't be if you caught my post in 2021.  Any time of the day, any time of the year, I can walk into the kitchen, grab a bowl and a spoon then add some almond milk and I have a cereal meal/snack.  It can be eaten dry from a zip lock bag or with milk in a bowl. Either way, cereal is a wonderfully satisfying food, and if you have multiple varieties in the pantry, you can meet any snack or meal craving.  My favorite cereals are: Frosted Mini
Wheats Original, Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oates.  

There you have it.  If there were a snowstorm and I was stuck in one place for a length of time, or if I was stranded on a desert island with a crash-landed shipment of 5 foods, this is the list.  I could survive a long time with these five foods.