Thursday, October 7, 2021

Top 5 Breakfast Cereals

Recently, my oldest daughter saw a post online that asked what food reminds her of her dad.  Her reply was pizza and cereal.  It is true, I am not handy when it comes to the kitchen.  I like to keep it simple, but it is also no secret that my favorite meal of the day is breakfast.  Let's face it, it is the meal of the day where basically cake is acceptable: Donuts, pastry rolls, pancakes and syrup, French Toast, and the list goes on.  It is also the meal that often features bacon.  

My most common breakfast food though is cereal.  It is easy.  It can be eaten with milk or just throw it in a ziplock back and it is on the go.  Breakfast cereal is also good at any time of the day.  My favorite time of day for cereal besides breakfast is as the midnight snack.  

I feel that a list like this is best written by an adult because as a child, part of the breakfast fun is trying the 1000's of different kinds of cereals.  These are the sugary, colorful, fun shape cereals and the trial and error as a kid is endless.  It isn't until adulthood that you really start to shape a serious opinion, but hey if a kid wants to share her top cereals, don't let me stop her!!  It would be fun to see. 

Anyway, here are my Top 5 favorite breakfast kinds cereals: 

5. Frosted Mini-Wheats - I just love filling these little pillows of cereal with almond milk and eating them.  They fill my stomach, they are sweet, and satisfying to eat!  

4. Frosted Flakes - When I need a dose of childhood, Tony the Tiger and Frosted Flakes are there for me.  As an adult who doesn't eat the flakes often, they do tear up the roof of my mouth a bit, but it is totally worth it as they taste so good. In fact, they're Grrreat!!!  

3. Chocolate Chex  It is gluten-free and satisfies a chocolate craving.   

2. Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries - I like the variety of texture in a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats with the clusters, flakes, and strawberries.  The flavor is also sweet but not overwhelmingly so.  

1. Honeynut Cheerios - This is the champion of cereals for me.  First, it is delicious any time.  I enjoy it with some almond milk, but when I am rushing out the door for work, I throw some in a bag and enjoy later.  On top of all that, it is a gluten-free option that takes care of any sweets cravings.  

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