Saturday, May 22, 2021

Bad Batch Check-in Episodes 1-3

I have been impressed with the Bad Batch in Episodes 1-3, but episode 3 left me feeling a little empty.  While I would agree that there are several important moments, I feel like I am looking for a purpose for the Clone Force 99.  They picked up Omega and want to bring Crosshair back but how and what's next? 

It is becoming clear that while Omega is young and just learning to be confident in herself away from the comforts of Kamino, she is quite capable and special.  She chases after the Ordo Moon Dragon to acquire the capacitor after Hunter loses consciousness when his respirator falls off.  She uses her tracking (maybe an enhanced ability?) and her smarts to find and evade/distract the moon dragon.  She even uses what she learns from the Nexu encounter in episode 2 and finds a non-lethal escape.  I look forward to seeing what other skills/abilities Omega demonstrates going forward.  

The Crosshair storyline has the strongest focus at this point.  We meet a new Imperial leader, Admiral Rampart, as Tarkin continues to deal with the Clones and introduces Project War-Mantle.  Tarkin sends Crosshair, as leader, with a crew of Imperial soldiers handpicked by Rampart himself, to confront Saw Gerrera on Onderon.  Crosshair's crew easily ambushes the insurgent camp to discover that Saw Gerrera is not there.  Instead of leaving or taking political prisoners, Crosshair orders the crew to kill everyone in the camp.  The Imperial soldier who had been challenging Crosshair's longevity in the Empire as a Clone, challenges the Crosshair's order.  Crosshair sticks to the "Good soldiers follow orders" mantra and executes the trooper in front of everyone.  In shock, the other soldiers follow the order given by Crosshair and murder all in the camp, even the innocent people. This solidifies Crosshair as a force to be feared.  His strict adherence to the orders from Tarkin is a result of the boosted inhibitor chip in his head.  It sets up a difficult task for the Bad Batch going forward; it isn't going to be easy to bring Crosshair back.  Will Tech, Echo, and maybe even Omega be able to find a way to disable Crosshair's chip?  How much damage will/can Crosshair cause before that happens?  

As for the Bad Batch themselves, I am struggling to see the purpose at this point.  Where are they heading?  Maybe it is okay to not know right now; it is only episode 3.  They are learning a new dynamic without Crosshair and the addition of a new member in Omega.  As discussed, she joins Hunter on a mission while Tech and Echo get the ship back together.  Wrecker, who is nursing a headach or head injury suffered in the crash, shows his soft side for children by creating a room for Omega.  They are definitely warming up to Omega, but where is this group headed?

There is a lot left in this season of Bad Batch.  There are characters who need to continue to develop, and there is a team that needs to continue to rebuild. In reflection, I am okay without knowing the full purpose at this point.  I am okay with a slow build to the story as we continue to learn who the members of Clone Force 99 really are.  Stay tuned, I'm sure the story will start to take off soon.  

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