Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Purest form of a Movie Trading Card

I was recently asked by my friend @whitebobafett, "In your opinion, what is the purest form of a movie trading card as far as what's portrayed: a movie still, set photo, studio photo or some sort of illustration."  

What a question!  Please weigh in below in the comments, but here is my response.  

When I started collecting cards in the late 1970's, there were certain cards to which I was especially drawn.  In baseball cards, I wanted the cards that showed the action of the game.  I didn't really care for the cards where the player posed for the camera.  That didn't seem authentic to me as a kid.  I don't mind those as much these days, but my eyes are still drawn to the action shot.  Take for example the two cards here from the Topps 1994 series 1 set.  The posed Eric Karros card #115 versus the Ivan Rodriguez card #165 which shows Rodriquez in a throw to second base with his mask still in the air after being flung off during the throw.  The posed card just can't hold up to that action!  When I get sports cards, my expectation is I want to see my sports "heroes" in action shots.  Nothing against Eric Karros or the photographer, it just doesn't hold up.  


My opinion is the same for movie cards.  The cards which garner the most attention of my eyes are the shots from the movies.  For my example of this, I am using cards from the Empire Strikes Back (red border) from 1980.  Fortunately for me and a reason this set is one of my favorites, almost all cards are action/film cards.  The set opens with 11 "Star File" cards that have several posed shots.  While I find the back of these cards to be interesting with information, the front, except for Boba Fett, didn't really do much for me as a kid.  If  I wasn't a completist, I would have traded these cards away for others like the Star Destroyer chasing the Falcon (see below).  Now that is action!     

So to answer the question, the action/movie still cards are, to me, the purest form of a trading card.  Those are the cards that take my mind back to the film.  They place me back into the theater or my living room where I first experienced the characters, ships, settings, and conflict.  It returns me to the dialog or the explosions or the ships flying through space.  I don't have a problem with the poses or the amazing art cards, but they don't create a return to the story for me like a movie still card does.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Value of Minecraft

My wife bought me an X-Box One several years ago for Christmas.  She knows that I love to play games and that my X-Box 360 was becoming an antique in terms of video game systems go.  I don't typically play that many games, but when I do, I really dig into them.  I have spent hours with Star Wars Battlefront II and Skyrim, but the game that changed gaming in my house is Minecraft.  

I realize that Minecraft isn't a new game, but when I introduced it to my daughters where they were at the time 6 and 10 years old, it became the top activity in our house.  At first, we just spent a lot of time wandering around and trying to stay alive in the survival modes.  As we continued to play, I started noting that my girls were getting more creative and trying different things.  I found that in their creative worlds, where there isn't any danger of starvation, mobs (monsters), or falling into dangerous things like lava and where resources fully accessible, they were trying new things with different resources.  Since most games and activities they had played were very directed and basically laid the path out in front of them or they were told what to do by the game, the fact that exploration became the norm for them in Minecraft was nice to see.  

Early on all three of us would look for some inspiration for cool things to build, so I bought some Minecraft books.  It was pretty awesome when I would come in the room and they would be pouring over the books talking about different building designs or figuring out how to craft certain potions or trying to figure out what the best strategy is for defeating an Ender.  That was pretty heartwarming, and it made me realize the educational value to Minecraft.  My girls were seeking out external resources like books and YouTube videos.  They were even evaluating resources without really realizing the skills they were developing.  When searching for good YouTube content, they were comparing the quality of video and instruction.  They even said there were a few they came across that had a lot of swearing (I am sure there are more than just a few), so they decided that those might not be especially credible.  They said who would try to teach someone and swear at them while doing it?  That made sense to me, so I encouraged them to find more channels that fit their style.   

Both of my daughters were making science and math connections when trying to figure out which type of stones or other resources mixed best with others.  They were figuring area and volume when building houses and trying to figure out how many blocks they needed to mine in my survival world.  My youngest daughter sat down this week to play and wanted me to see what she was working on.  She had created an elaborate underground system of hallways. She was explaining to me how a sticky piston works and how she was applying it in a hallway to push a light block into view to illuminate a corridor.  Watching her experimentation and trial and error is satisfying, because not only is it fun to play and watch what she has built, but also because I am watching her thinking and learning process.   I also really appreciate the art and design applications that go in to the game too.  They both have played with the color of different bricks in building to create a certain aesthetic.  

Minecraft offers all of us the opportunity to develop collaboration skills as well.  My first realization of this was when the three of us were trying to figure out how to defeat a skeleton spawner.  We discussed strategy and we all shared our ideas on how to approach this task.  Of course, it usually played out where they would go running off leaving me to deal with all the skeletons, but at least it started with a plan.  We've also done some mining collaboration as we were working on some different projects.  We discussed who would go where to cut down trees and collect dark oak and birch tree wood while the other would head underground to find granite and someone else would start crafting tools and building materials.  

Besides being a fun game that offers us new experiences every time we start playing, it offers so many learning opportunities.  My favorite aspect of the game though is how it gives me a way to connect with my daughters.  It gives us a common language.  It also gives us experiences that we can be proud of in some cases and laugh together in other cases.  This has been an unexpected value of Minecraft.  

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight's musical guest...

 "Ladies and gentlemen, Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band" or add any other famous musical guest.  I look forward to those words on Saturday nights.  Saturday Night Live has been a staple on NBC for the entire memory of my life.  Early memories of SNL include Gilda Radner, John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, and many others from the original cast, and I remember  Rosanna Danna, Mr. Bill, "Cheezburgas," and the Samauri.  But once I hit my teen years in the mid-80's, I came to look forward to a special segment of Saturday Night Live, the two performances of each episode's musical guest.  My love of music comes from many sources, but one that still resonates with me is the musical guest performances on SNL.  

SNL has introduced me to many artists on the show like The Cars, Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, Living Colour, and Sinead O'Connor or more recently Greta Van Fleet and Dua Lipa.  The SNL musical performances give us a peek into performances of some of the greats like Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Prince, R.E.M, Lenny Kravitz, and so many more.  Most recently, Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band gave a performance on the famed stage as it was decked out in lights and wreaths for the Christmas of 2020.   To see Bruce and the band live is a bucket list item for me, but SNL brought the performance right into my living room.  

What is it about the SNL musical performances that jolt me with energy, comfort me with joy, and make me feel like everything is cool?  The energy is easy, it's music!  Not just any music, but the best music in the world.  Look at those bands and artists mentioned above.  Just do a search for "SNL Musical Performances" and you will find dozens maybe hundreds of websites that discuss top 10 artists and top 10 performances on SNL.  In general, music moves deep down inside of me and while I will listen to just about any music, live music moves me most.  Of course, live in the terms of being in the audience while the music is created is the pinnacle, but any live performance is special whether you are seeing it live on the television or recorded live.  When the music is live it isn't just listening to a song, it is experiencing the music itself, hearing things you don't hear on a recording like a spontaneous cheer of the crowd at a certain lyric or heavy beat or something in the performance.  The visual performance is also part of the experience.  Seeing the band, the artist, the crew along with lights and video effects or just the stage dressing adds to the appreciation of the music and performance overall and brings energy along with it. 

The Saturday Night Live stage is legendary in my mind, and I think it is what brings me comfort while watching.  We have watched artists perform from that stage for decades.  I can close my eyes and see different performances that have taken place there.  They are like ghosts of the past that bring greatness to those who will perform this week, next season, or seasons to come in the future.  My favorite view of the stage comes at Christmas time when the stage is decked out for the holidays like it was for the recent Springsteen performance.  Such a warm feeling that brings comfort to me and a clear sense of nostalgia not only for the holidays but for the comfort that SNL and the musical performances will be there every year.  

Everything is cool.  SNL has always been a feature of the weekend.  When I was a kid, it was the excitement of staying up late with my older brother and sister laughing when they laughed and checking out the new tunes hearing some of the songs of artists my brother played on his record player.  In college, we would wait to go out until we saw the musical performance.  SNL was the gateway to the night.  As an adult, it is a different kind of gateway to the weekend.  It is time to start thinking about what the next week will start to look like.  The musical guest performance may be the last time in the weekend where I can release myself to something like a song or a message or a bizarre performance.  It is late, time to let the weekend energy burn off into some laughs and then an unforgettable meaningful performance.  Everything is cool for this hour and a half.  

The performance that inspired me to dig into these thoughts was the recent episode that I mentioned above.  Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band delivered a strong message in the performance of these two songs.   It is a celebration of life and a recognition that those who have gone before us are there waiting for us.  In Ghosts he sings, "I make my vows to those who've come before, turn up the volume let the spirits be my guide, meet you, brothers and sisters, on the other side."  Then they go into a classic E Street Band jam with a "cheers to us" finish.  It is beautiful, all brought to us from the legendary stage of SNL.  Enjoy!  

UPDATE 7/4/21

I apologize.  The videos that originally accompanied this post are no longer available. 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Top 10 Disney Collect Insert and Award Cards 2020

This week I want to highlight my Top 10 Disney Collect 2020 insert cards.  Like my Star Wars Card Trader Top 5 post, I am filtering my collection to the 2020 cards looking at Epic, Super Rare, Rare, and Uncommon cards.  I am also including award cards for this list.  I am only looking at cards that are in my personal collection, so there may be cards in your collection that you have that are not in mine.  I would enjoy hearing what your top 10, 5 of just favorite cards are for 2020, leave a comment below with those or tag me on Twitter @draftline with images of your favorite cards. 

10.    Princess and the Frog-Characters - Doctor Facilier *Rare

Dr. Facilier may be my favorite Disney villain.  I especially like this card because it is a 10th-anniversary card for the film, and it has Facilier in a unique bayou/swamp setting.  

9. Phineas & Ferb - 104 Days of Summer - Award *Uncommon

In 2020, we needed all the laughs we could get around our house, and Phineas and Ferb brought those funny times.  We loved collecting this set and this award card seemed to be the cherry on top.   

8. Daily Disney - April 30 International Jazz Day - Uncommon

I have really enjoyed the Daily Disney set in 2020.  While another Daily Disney shows up in my top 10, I chose this one because I really like the way classic jazz is portrayed with the classic Disney characters.  Something about this card resonates with me.  

7. Princess Charisma set - Rapunzel - Uncommon

This card brings two of my favorite things together all wrapped up in a card, Rapunzel from Tangled and the comic format.  This also was a fun set, but I had to choose the card from my favorite Disney Princess film.  

6. Onward Quest Collection - Majestic Overlook - Uncommon

I really enjoy the look of this card.  It reminds me of all the enjoyment that comes along with watching the movie Onward.  I didn't really plan to watch this film, the trailer didn't appeal to me, but when Disney Collect held a Watch Party in the middle of the stay-at-home order in the spring of 2020, our family sat down to watch.  My daughters and I opened the app and collected cards as we were amazed at how much we enjoyed the movie.   

5.  Daily Disney - August 8 International Cat Day - Uncommon

This card is just a whole lot of fun!  Anyone who listens to CWK Pour-Over knows that the Aristocats is one of my top Disney animated films, so when Disney Collect threw in a Daily Disney for International Cat Day, it was the cat's meow.  

4.  Tilt Quotes, series 1 - Elsa - Award - Rare

This was an inspiring set with quotes from some really powerful characters like Vanellope from Wreck it Ralf, Jasmine, Mulan, Tiana, and Merida.  I could have chosen any of those cards for this spot in the Top 10, but I went with my favorite of the group, who happens to be the award card, Elsa.  

3.  Glitterball Collection 2020 - Rapunzel - Common

In all of the card apps, I really enjoy the holiday cards, but this set really stood out to me.  They are colorful, and I really like the art of the princesses.  If you got all the variants (ornament, die-cut, motion) for each princess, you received an avatar and 15,000 credits for each. 

2.  Princess Ink Black & White Series 1- Rapunzel - Uncommon

Rapunzel is popular on my list.  This might not surprise listeners to CWK Pour-Over, since Tangled is my top Disney animated film and made my top 10 films of all time.  I really like this black and white sketch card that I feel captures a moment in time for Rapunzel. I just wonder what it is that she is turning her head to see.  It is wonderful.  

1.  Princess Ink Black & White Series 2 - Cinderella  - Uncommon

As mentioned above, I really like this set of Princess Ink sketch cards.  Rapunzel was set to take the number one spot until I remembered this black and white sketch of Cinderella.  This card is stunning and it is my top card of 2020 in the Disney Collect App.  

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Top 5 Chrismas Songs

 As heard on the CWK Pourover, here are my top 5 Christmas songs:

5. Santa Claus is Comin to Town performed by Bruce Springsteen (1985)

This song, besides being performed by the legendary "Boss," will always remind me of my childhood and the good times hanging out with my brother.  He introduced me to Rock and Roll and some of the greats like The Boss.  My brother would always get a kick out of Springsteen when he couldn't stop laughing at all the "Ho ho ho's."  Classic performance!

4. Christmas Time is Here by Lee Mendelson and Vince Guaralaldi (1965)

Who doesn't love the Charlie Brown Christmas special?  This program and this opening song to the show wrap up all the feelings of Christmas to me.  It makes me feel nostalgic, it gives me serenity, and it brings me joy.  When I hear this song on the radio, all those feelings come back to me.  

3. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams

The hot start to this song brings images of the city all decorated in lights.  I picture holiday shopping, and happy people carrying packages on a snowy night through the streets of the city.  It might be Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The title says it all with the uplifting performance of Andy Williams, when I hear this song, I know Christmas is here!  

2. Silent Night performed by Bing Crosby (1945)

Take one of the most beautiful songs of the holiday season and add one of the most memorable singers of the last 100 years, and you have a song that can change a life.  When I was young, WLS radio in Chicago would play Christmas music from noon on Christmas eve to Midnight on Christmas day.  This was

1. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas performed by James Taylor (2002)

There are certain songs that resonate with us all year round even though it is a "summer song" or a "break-up song."  This is my Christmas song that stays with me every year.  The lyrics "Let your heart be light, from now on our troubles will be out of sight" speak to me, because I am a person who tends to let my troubles stay with me.  In this Christmas time and anytime really, I need to "be light."  

I hope you all have a Merry Little Christmas and a Happy Holiday in 2020.  And as I think about all of you, I can't help think about the lyrics, "Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us, once more."  Let's use this time to come together in peace for the good of all of us.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Krayt Dragon

I have been wanting to share some of my thoughts on season two of The Mandalorian, but I have had a difficult time wrapping my brain around on where to begin.  So, I would like to start with a little monster fun and the Krayt Dragon.  The Mandalorian dons his armor and gathers his "army" to battle with one of the greatest monsters in Star Wars Universe.   

To succeed in this task, Din Djarin needs some help.  He finds an ally in The Marshal of Mos Pelgo, Cobb Vance.  Vance has a suit of Mandalorian armor that appears to be formerly owned by the famous bounty hunter Boba Fett, that The Mandalorian wants to return to its rightful owners.  Cobb Vance offers the armor as a reward if the Mandalorian helps to defeat the dragon. In addition, Din Djarin uses his knowledge of the Sandpeople culture and language to recruit a tribe of Tuskin Raiders to assist in this battle.  Everyone wins if the dragon is defeated, Din Djarin gains a suit of Mandalorian armor, Cobb Vance and the people of Mos Pelgo get peace from the dragon and a newfound truce with the Tuskin Raiders, and the Tuskin Raiders in addition to territorial peace, get a huge supply of meat.  The stakes are high for this epic battle.  

Greater krayt dragon | Wookieepedia | Fandom


We as fans, finally, get to see the lair of this creature and it's massive size.  I was surprised at how quickly the dragon could travel underground during the battle to come at its attackers from different angles.  It even burrows up into the hill to emerge from above where it sprays some sort of bile acid onto the attackers, a breath weapon, I suppose.  This was unexpected if not a little gross!  I enjoyed the "scream" of the creature.  Now I finally understand why the Tuskin Raiders, who were rummaging through Luke Skywalkers landspeeder, ran so suddenly from the mock Krayt Dragon call that Obi Wan Kenobi created in Star Wars: A New Hope.  In the end, Din Djarin makes a sacrafice to save "his people" as he lures the Krayt Dragon to swallow himself and a Bantha loaded with  explosives.  A few moments later, Din Djarin uses his jetpack to fly out of the mouth of the dragon to remotely set off the explosives to slay the dragon in a dramatic fashion.  The battle is won; the hero saves the day.  We also get a quick peek at a celbratory discovery by one of the Sandpeople as they are harvesting the meat of the dragon.  Was that a legendary Krayt Dragon pearl that we learned about in the Knights of the Old Republic stories?   

This was a cinematic monster episode that portrays as Din Djarin as the brave knight, literally, in shining armor.  I like this image.  So far we have seen the Mandalorian as a bounty hunter, a gun fighter, a shadowy infiltrator, but this is a keystone battle as a knight for the good of a society.  I have to wonder if this is a change for Din Djarin.  Has picking up and caring for The Child changed his thoughts on what the galaxy has in store for its people?  I don't know, it is something to think about, but for this experience, we need a mythical creature like the Krayt Dragon.  Monsters play such an important role in storytelling.  They give us the antagonist we need to bring out the best in our hero.  Here it seems this monster helps to highlight the heroic qualities of the Mandalorian.  

What are some of your favorite monsters of Star Wars and what do they add to the story of our heroes in a galaxy far, far away?   

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Top 5 Star Wars Card Trader 2020 Insert and Award Cards

I have written several posts about Digital Card Trading recently, but this week I want to highlight my Top 5 SWCT 2020 insert cards.  I am filtering my collection to just the 2020 cards, and looking at Epic, Super Rare, Rare, and Uncommon cards.  I am also including award cards for this list.  I am only looking at cards that are in my personal collection, so there may be cards in your collection that you have that are not in mine.  I would enjoy hearing what your top 5 or top cards are for 2020, leave a comment below with those or tag me on Twitter @draftline with images of your favorite cards.  

5. In Disguise - Standard - BB-8 in disguise as a First Order Waste Bin *Uncommon

I really liked this set, but this card stood out, because it was unexpected and it made me laugh.  

4.  Valentine's Day 2020: Red - Millennium Falcon *Rare

There is something about Chewbacca spreading the love.  

3. Original Artwork: "Poe Dameron" by Derek Laufman *Award Card

If Poe Dameron wasn't cool already, this artistic rendition screams "Poe Dameron is cool!" 

2. The Mandalorian - From the Outer Reaches - Bounty Hunter *Rare

I just love the vintage feel of this Mandalorian set, but especially this particular card of our favorite Mandalorian.  

1. Topps Women of Star Wars: Myrna Velasco as Torra Doza *Super Rare

The Women of Star Wars set might be my favorite set of the year, but I find the art of The Resistance to be really cool, colorful and fun.  I really like the color in this card.  I like the confident stance of Torra Doza, and I like that I was able to get a digital signature of the electric Myrna Velasco!  

Did you like this list of top 5 cards?  Let me know, and I will continue with a series of Top 5 2020 cards in other Topps Digital Card Trading apps.  What are your top SWCT inserts and awards of 2020?