Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Digital Trading Cards Part 1

 I love trading cards!  I have collected trading cards on an off since the 1970's.  Over the last 5-6 years, though, my trading card fascination has taken a new turn as the Topps Company, who happens to be my favorite trading card company, has moved into digital card trading.  

Star Wars Card Trader was the first digital card trading app to which I was introduced.  I was at the Indiana Comic Con with my friends from Coffee with Kenobi, Dan Zehr and Cory Clubb, when I downloaded it and entered into a new world of card trading.  I will never forget standing in lines at the Indianapolis Convention Center collecting Star Wars cards with Dan and Cory while figuring out all the different aspects of digital card trading.  Since then, I have added Huddle, Bunt, Marvel Collect, Disney Collect and most recently SLAM.  

I plan to write more about digital card trading here on Seeking Positivity in the Galaxy because there are so many positive aspects to card trading.  If you are interested in trading with me in any of the apps mentioned above, I would enjoy swapping some cards for fun and for collecting sake.  Here are my user names:  


Disney Collect:  BATTLEJUMP



Star Wars Card Trader:  JEDIGROSS

I am almost always up for a trade of dupes, and you can look at my base card collection to see what cards I tend to "hoard."  Actually, "hoarding" will be the topic of my next post on digital card trading.  What card apps do you actively collect?  What are some of your favorite features of the card apps by Topps?  Leave a comment below.    


1 comment:

Ross said...

That's impressive that you're able to manage five digital collections. I'm only in Star Wars currently—but if they ever happen to get rights to create an NHL version I'd likely add that as well. Good stuff, Tom!