Thursday, August 12, 2010

Star Trek

A couple days ago, I watched the most recent edition of the Star Trek films. Overall, I found the movie entertaining and living up to the reputation of the Star Trek franchise as well as adding some new twists. I did tire a bit of the back story of James T. Kirk; it could have moved on a bit quicker. I did like, however, the Obi wan Kenobi style use of Leonard Nemoy and a Spock from the future to guide the young Captain Kirk. When I realized that it was Leonard Nimoy as a Spock from the future, I have to admit that I groaned a bit, but they really made it work into the story.

The storyline kept me interested and the special effects were realistic and enjoyable. I also had to appreciate the campy style of the Doctor McCoy and Scotty. Not sure I really got the flame between Spock and Nyota Uhura. Was there a relationship between them in the TV show? I would recommend this movie to a Star Trek fan as well as someone who is not familiar with the story (is there anyone?).

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