Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Thing I Love about Summer...Part 4

One thing I love about summer is baseball. I feel fortunate to live in a city where we have some live professional baseball. And, to top it off, our team is a single A Cubs affiliate, so I get to see the young talent before they get to the show. Also, Peoria hosts many Cubs rehab assignments. In the past, Ted Lilly, Aramis Ramirez, Normar Garciaparra, Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, and a host of relief pitchers have come here for one/two game stints.

I just love baseball. It is a truly American game and when one studies the game it has traits that only an American game can have. One aspect that I enjoy is that there is no time clock. Every game has its own pace. You could watch a two hour pitchers' dual or sit through a four hour slug fest with a dozen pitchers and even more runs. I love that on any given day even the worst team in the league could have a spectacular game against the best team in the league, or if you were my beloved Cubs, you could have a good team and still lose to everyone.

I understand how to the casual viewer it is a boring game, but I have to say it is one thing I love about the game. On a summer Sunday afternoon, I can lay down on the couch for the first couple innings, get in a good nap and wake up for the last two innings and possibly not miss that much action. But, I can also study a game and be involved in even the most surface level "boring" game. Try sometime when you are at a live game. Watch one position each inning and see how the player adjusts to each batter and each pitch. For example, in the first inning, watch the right fielder of both teams. Watch how he stands in different places based on how many outs, runners on base, pitch situations, there are. Then the next inning watch the third baseman, etc. You can really see how there is a lot of subtle action and strategy to most situations in the game. It is a great game and one of the reasons I love summer!

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