Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Warrior Dash

Last weekend I ran in "The Warrior Dash" in Joliet. The race was an off road 5K with muddy hills and obstacles. I would not consider it a challenging race physically, but it certainly did not disappoint in the thrills, excitement, and "good times" category. Some of the more memorable experiences were the mud pits. One with a slide down to a knee high pit then a muddy climb out, and of course the ever popular finish in the mud pit crawl with barbed wire over your head. Also, the junkyard barriers were especially fun for me as I took great joy in doing a Bo and Luke Duke slide across a hood and jumping on top of the car and getting a bit of bounce to launch me off. I also enjoyed the (maybe most dangerous in my eyes) the fire leaps. As I approached the first line of fire all I could think was that I was
going to slip on my approach and fall face first into the fire. The post race party was great as well, with live bands and DJ's and groups of people sharing th eir warrior stories. The race was a blast, and I will definitely find myself being a warrior next year.

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