Friday, June 25, 2010


We have decided after 5 years in our house (at the insistence of my wife) that we redecorate our bathroom. She (and I, admittedly) have had it with the seahorse door handles and sea shell wall paper. Part of what has held us up in the past is a lack of direction. We knew we didn't want the ocean theme any longer, but we couldn't finalize on a new look for the bathroom. Our daughter has the easy, Barbie or Hello Kitty bathroom. While that would be nice, that's not going to happen. So, I made a decision that has erased any doubt that a decision will easily be made. Like any good-minded husband, I stepped out of the decision making process and turned all power of decoration over to my wife. I trust that she will make an excellent decision, and I also know that the decision will finally be made. I accept the responsibility that I have dragged my feet on the bathroom project long enough.

So, last night, bathroom destruction began! We spend three hours applying that goopy compound and scraping off paper, old glue, and some paint. We spent three hours on one panel of drywall. We still have three panels to go! Lets just say, I hate wallpaper. I have decided if you ever want to do an evil act to an eventual buyer of your house in the future, or if you feel like self inflicted evil in the future, you should apply as much wallpaper to your house as you can. It will eventually lead to misery, anger, frustration, and quite frankly, a complete breakdown of whomever will be removing it in the future. Did I mention that I hate wallpaper? It is kind of the slang language of home decorating. It looks cool when you put it up, but it is quickly out dated. And, it looks silly if it is kept up too long, but some of it never goes away driving people crazy. I hate wallpaper.

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