Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lost in 2.0land

Blabborize, Audacity, Glogster, Wordle, Shelfari, Blogger, Wiki-everything, Pandora, Googledocs, iGoogle, Ning, Facebook, DimDim, Flickr, Wallwisher, Delicious, Zoteri, Jogtheweb, Screencast, Evernote, Diigo, Jing, Slideshare, Penzu, Surveymonkey...just to name a few. The 2.0 world has changed the way I do things, create, and communicate, but when does it stop? I find that I never get to really learn all the things these applications can do, before something else "betters" it or creates a new way of doing "it." Progress is one thing, inundating us is another. How about this little piece:


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