Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Humble Thanks

Tonight I was treated to a delicious dinner and kind words at the Weaver Ridge Country club by the IEA Region 13 and 16 districts. I was nominated for the Silver Apple Award in our local the Pekin Education Alliance. It is quite an honor to receive the award for work that I simply feel called to do. It is nice to be recognized, but also I was humbled by the work others winning the award had done. I am small in comparison to the time and commitment others have put in to improving the education of young people. I work with some terrific people who are dedicated, knowledgeable, caring and persistent, and they all deserve the recognition I received tonight. Thanks


Rich Schurter said...

Secret awards?? Congratulations! It has been an honor to work with you.

pchsgross said...

the honor is all mine, and everything is secret