Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too Long

It has come to my attention that someone actually does read my blog! Yea! But if I don't update I will lose my reader(s). So as I look at a blank screen, I find myself with writer's block. In this case, nothing is quite intimidating. It is quite amazing how nothing really adds up to something. I remember one time at a Greatful Dead concert a guy was walking around selling, "absolutely nothing!" He would say, "I have absolutely nothing for sale! You can buy absolutely nothing for only 5 dollars." He had several customers buying absolutely nothing. Some asked if they could get nothing in different colors. Of course they could! Some were buying nothing in red or black or orange. Some people were buying little nothings and big nothings. I also saw someone buy four of nothing. He dropped twenty bucks for four. It takes a novel entrepreneur to sell nothing. It would be so much easier to sell something, but one just doesn't make as much money as selling nothing.

Well, maybe he was selling more than nothing, because everyone walked away with hearts filled with joy. I found the scene hilarious (no I did not buy nothing...but I wanted too). Nothing can be filled with opportunity. Every now and then, I feel that I have nothing, nothing to have, nothing to offer, nothing going on. But I remind myself of how valuable nothing can be. I remind myself of how dozens of people were buying nothing and getting something, and there are days I am rich in nothing. It doesn't happen often in my life, but in the life of my students, I see it everyday. My students think they have nothing; they are nothing. I try to tell them what a great opportunity it is to have nothing. I tell them the story of buying nothing and they love the idea that they are rich with nothingness. However, I assume that they leave and forget the lesson, because no one has ever come to tell me how nothing got them something. But maybe in the future, when they feel like nothing, they will remember how valuable nothing can really be.

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