Monday, August 9, 2021

Teachers in the Dungeon: A Podcast

I have been excited to announce a new podcast that I have co-created and will co-host.  The show is titled Teachers in the Dungeon where co-creator and co-host, Dan Reem, and I will recap and analyze the games we play and Dungeon Master (DM).  I can give you a hint from some pre-recording, we make a lot of mistakes as players and Dungeon Masters.  If anything, as listeners who aspire to play, DM, or have played for years, it will make you feel better about giving the game a try, because through it all, we have a blast playing.  

At the beginning of this journey, we will have a couple different kinds of episodes.  As mentioned above, one type of episode will be our game recap and analysis shows.  We will also have episodes called "Random Encounters" that will discuss random topics of D&D and role-playing.  Our goal with Random Encounter episodes is to work through 5e rules, table observations, educational opportunities, character creation, and any other random topics that are on our minds.  Down the road, we hope to interview players and content creators from the 5e community.  

Episode 1, to release today August 10, breaks down where the show concept grew (my brain), and a bit about our backgrounds as players and DM's.  When we "dive into the dungeon" in episode 2, you will join our merry band of third level explorers including Borem, Rix, Zedi, Caersws, and Dirichlet as they head into Telesaria a home-brew campaign created by Dan.  

Teachers in the Dungeon will release once a week on Tuesdays, so I hope you join us.  We are always looking for feedback, so hop on our social media or send us an email in the following ways:

Twitter @DungeonTeachers

Instagram:  TeachersInTheDungeon



"Grab some dice and grab some fun and join the teachers in the dungeon!"

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