Thursday, February 1, 2024

Top 5 Star Wars Card Trader Cards of 2023

I am really happy that this list has become an annual item that I have the opportunity to share.  These 2023 Star Wars Card Trader cards all come from the rare variant and are, in my opinion, the Top 5 of my collection.  There are many, many more insert sets that I don't have that might very well be much more interesting or coveted, but I am only going with what I've collected.  That said, I may not have succeeded in completing the set, but they are cards that I pulled from those sets.  

Here is my Top 5:  

5. Original Art: Pulp Covers by Robert Jimenez, Icebound Invasion, Wave 3 Red Variant, 4,379 Card Count

I loved this entire set of Pulp Covers, but I, as a librarian, really enjoy a digital trading card of a book cover.  Icebound Invasion depicts one of the most epic battles of the Star Wars original trilogy.  It really captures the imagination and reminds me of some of the great pulp book covers.  

4. Character of the Month - 2023, Darth Maul - six, October - Darth Maul - Red 6564 Card Count

I really liked the look of the Character of the Month set in 2023, but I especially like that they find images of the characters that aren't on other card sets.  Darth Maul just happens to be one of the coolest and most interesting characters from the Star Wars saga, so he receives #4 on my Top 5 of 2023 list.  

3. Featured Creature - 2023, Loth-Wolf, Series 1 - Red, 5184 Card Count

Well, the Loth-Wolf holds a soft spot around our house, so it should be no surprise that they would show up on this list.  Besides that, the Loth-Wolf is shy to the digital cards, so any sighting definitely puts that card on the shortlist.

2.  Classic Card Art - 8th Anniversary, The Mandalorian & Grogu, Wave 1 - Green Card Count

I loved the look of these cards in 2016, and I think they still look great today with our new Star Wars characters from the Mandalorian.  I am old fashioned, so of course the title Classic Card Art would be something that I would absolutely love.  

1.  Topps' Choice - 2023, The Colossus, Series 1 - Cards, 3328 Card Count

Over the years, the Topps' Choice may be my favorite set because of the originality of the images and topics.  Many times the cards are quite scenic as is this particular card with a rare, like the Loth-Wolf, sighting of the Colossus on digital cards.  This is an absolutely beautiful card.  

I appreciate you taking a look at this year's SWCT Top 5 from the collection of JEDIGROSS.  I do have duplicates of some of these top 5 cards if you are interested in acquiring any of them.  I don't trade singles, so hands off if it isn't a dupe.  

I also have a collection that goes back to the beginning in 2015.  I will never forget standing in line at the Indiana Comic Con with Coffee with Kenobi co-hosts, Dan Zehr and Cory Clubb, as we downloaded the app and started building our collections.  The rest is history;  I was hooked. 

Give me a follow on the SWCT app as well as here on Seeking Positivity in the Galaxy.  Also, consider following the Rebel Basecard Podcast hosted by Greg McLaughlin and join his #CardSquadron group on X for some fun trading card discussion.  

1 comment:

John Sharp said...

As a Star Wars fan/SWCT user, I appreciate that I've found this blog, and I'm looking forward to reading it every day.

I agree w/ the Darth Maul COTM cards, they were great to collect.

Good Job! 👍