Tuesday, September 13, 2022


I've never been much of a fan of running.  I realize this is a rich comment coming from someone who had a time in his life when he ran several triathlons, marathons, and half-marathons.  I am here to say it was less about the running and more about being able to say, "Done it."  I wasn't winning anything; I was just competing against my personal best time.  

But now I get to look at running from a new lens, and that lens is that of a father.  My youngest daughter signed up for cross country at her school this fall.  It is the first time she, or anyone in our family, has ever attempted this sport.  My older daughter did track last year, but I'm here to tell you, cross country is a different animal.  

Unfortunately for my daughter, she got her dad's ability, and cross country is more about finishing and trying to reach small wins.  Like her dad in his races, she isn't chasing a leader.  But, what is amazing to me, is this child doesn't really seem to care.  She is just loving being a part of these crazy kids who want to run 2 miles as fast as they can.  She loves the friends she is making, and quite frankly, she loves her pack.  And, I love that!  

As young parents, we have dreams of the great things our children will do.  We imagine Olympic medals or top CEO jobs, but it is amazing to watch all of the leading kids race by, and 5 or 6 minutes later comes my daughter, and that brings tears of joy to me.  I am so proud of her in her school uniform just working her ass off.  It is amazing.  I hope all dads get to experience this sometime in their daughters or son's lives.  It may not be in cross country or even athletics.  But to watch my daughter putting it all out there is just amazing.  

To find positivity in the galaxy, we don't have to look very far.  It kind of scares me as a dad that I will miss these moments.  Both of my kids and if you have children too, we know they do amazing things all the time.  Stop and watch.  I am so thankful for my daughter and thankful that she decided to give cross country a try.  Even though it is impossible to see it all,  I try to catch all the cool things my kids do, but I am glad my daughter caught my special attention when she started running.  

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