Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Henry David Thoreau often discussed the idea that we need to simplify.  He lived in the early days of industrialism, and I can only think what he would think of our lives today if he thought we needed to simplify then over 170 years ago.  

I open with that because it has been quite some time since I have contributed to this space.   I could come up with lots of excuses like the end of the school year, Star Wars Celebration, working all summer, attending Gen Con, blah, blah, blah.  But seriously, as the picture that accompanies this post suggests, I tried to spend as much time simplifying and enjoying my hammock space outside this spring and summer. 

I spent quite a bit of time contemplating things while watching our twin, baby trees grow this summer.  I listened to a lot of music in the hammock.  I listened to a fantastic audiobook   I read many, many comic books in the hammock (yep, I took comic books into the summer heat and humidity).  I caught up on a lot of podcast episodes.  But most importantly, I grabbed up as much time as I could to clear my mind.  So, a casualty of so much alone time was my writing.  I also cut extra time thinking about and planning for the school year.  I cut out time that I would spend riding my bike on long rides.  I did not give my collections the attention that I normally would have.  I cut a lot of things from my life, even briefly, to help simplify my life.  

As I start to bring some things back, I start to feel a little bitter that it is stealing my time to think.  I feel that way because I am in conflict with the "fewer things" and things that I miss and love doing.  I am working to balance it, but writing is something I don't feel conflict with.  Writing and "Seeking Positivity in the Galaxy" brings me peace.  It helps me to process what is happening in and around my world.  

I appreciate those of you who have supported me and been encouraging me to write.  It may be a few and it may be a lot of you, but numbers aren't what is important.  What matters are the friendships and the support you give me to help me to simply simplify.  

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