Friday, May 15, 2020

Top 5 List: Top 5 Colors

Hi everyone it's Kaleigh from Sistercast! If you don't already know who I am, I have a YouTube channel with my sister and we call it Sistercast. Come check us out!  

In my opinion, colors are what make the world beautiful! Colors are important for so many different things! Some things that I do every day where colors are important are arts and crafts, knitting, painting, gymnastics, etc.
Arts and crafts:
Colors are super important when doing arts and crafts, because when doing an image collage (like in the picture), I had to think about what colors would look good together and I had to decide 
how I needed to space the colorful pictures and the simpler pictures.  
Colors are extremely important in painting because when you might be blending colors together to make like a sunset you would need to know the color wheel and warm and cool colors to know which colors would mix well and which colors would not turn out so great. 

Now lets actually get into my top 5 colors! Here is my Top 5 Colors list:
1. Pink
2. Yellow
3. Blue
4. Purple 
5. Green

Pink and yellow are my all time favorite colors because they both give me a happy feeling, like yellow reminds me of the sun and summer. Pink gives me a happy feeling. Yellow and blue also somewhat connected to each other because they both remind me of a summer day. The blue is the bright  sky and the yellow is the amazing sun! Purple is on my top 5 because it reminds me of plants and flowers that are really pretty. The color green made it on my Top 5 list because it reminds me of plants and growth. I also really like to go on hikes with my family in the forest.  
What are your favorite colors and why?  Leave a comment below and check back next week for our Top 5 List!  

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