Monday, July 25, 2011


So, I took the summer off from blogging. Partly from laziness and partly from the fact that I did not want to spend my summer in front of a computer. In fact, aside from the occasional email checks, Facebook updates, a few baseball and Tour de France updates (mostly done from my phone), I tried to stay offline as much as possible. It was somewhat liberating. I spent a lot of time teaching RPM at the Riverplex and teaching cycling at the Loop...actually, these consumed lots of time this summer. I trained in Body Combat. And I spent as much of the time left with my family.
I did from time-to-time wonder what I was missing in my RSS feed, but after a few quick scans of it, there wasn't much. A few postings from friends that I caught up on, but most professional stuff was "stuff" that could wait.
Regardless of the peace over the summer, I plan to get back in the swing of things and spout more Supposedly Interesting Things in upcoming weeks/months.

1 comment:

Rich Schurter said...

Good for you! See you the 6th!