Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CD Revival reveals "No Doubt" iPod worthy music

Yep, I know everyone has been wondering if I'm still listening to my entire CD collection and the answer is, yes! I did take a week off to go back and listen to several that I had determined iPod worthy, and I still agree they are.

I must admit that I am getting to a smaller collection of CD's that I roll my eyes at as I grab any random 5-6 to put in the car for the week. But today, I came across a couple of gems that I had forgotten all about. They are currently out in the car, so I do not recall the names of the albums. The band is No Doubt. Wow, I forgot how much of a Ska beat is on one of the albums, but the next is more electronic beat. Besides the nostalgia of the music and remembering how much I liked them about 10-15 years ago, some of the "flip side" songs really rocked.

It is re-discovery like this that is the reason why I am doing my CD revival. I will post again as I get close to finishing.


Rich Schurter said...

Any Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen in that collection??

pchsgross said...

Nope, but I have Toad the Wet Sprocket and Big Head Todd and the Monsters!