Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Loving Every Minute

Well, it's official. I've been sucked in. Over Christmas I decided to inventory my comic book collection. I discovered that I seem to be missing all of my Iron Man and Dr. Strange books. Disappointing. I did start digging through several looking for some to sell to make more room for new ones still coming in. I still get Amazing Spiderman, New Avengers, Avengers Prime, Secret Avengers, Spider Girl and X-Force. Before you start thinking, whoa, what's he doing buying so many books? I could buy lots more...easily.

Anyway, I was looking for some books to get rid of and I thought, I will read them one more time, put them aside, and sell them. I started with the X titles: X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Cable, X-Force and X-Factor. All of these are books from 1991 to about 1998. I have been reading them all together chonologically (all titles from Jan. 1991 then Feb...) just like I did when I bought them new. Of course my books all start with the unbelievably good X-cutioner's Song storyline. Let's just say, I'm not getting rid of any of these, but I'm back reading everyone of them and loving every minute.

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