Friday, September 17, 2010

Let's Hear it for the Fingers

Here's a supposedly interesting thought, I have about 6-7 passwords that I use for computer "things." But I have one really important one that I've had for a while that I can't remember. The funny thing is, though, that my fingers remember it. It is so automatic and fast that my mind can't pick up the letters, numbers and symbols anymore and I don't remember it. When I concentrate on it, I never get it right, but when the fingers just go, they get it without fail.
Let's here it for the video games I played as a child that gave me incredible hand/eye coordination, and for goodness sakes, let's just hear it for those fast, 'remembering' fingers!

P.S. If I don't post for weeks, its because my fingers forgot the password.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Stinky Thought

I don't love running but I love a good challenge. Running meets that challenge for me, so I made a goal in July to run 100 miles before mid-November. I am making really good progress to surpass that goal; I have 40 miles left. I have been running about 10-12 miles a week since mid July. I should far surpass my goal.

In the time that I am running I take time to think about anything in which my mind will wander to avoid thinking about running. So here is my supposedly interesting thought, well, actually more like a supposedly interesting observation. A lot of cars pass me even in the early morning; cars, trucks, motorcycles, dozens of vehicles. But there is one vehicle that passes me almost every morning that I am out and it really is noticeable. In fact, I always dread when it will pass me. Yes, it is the early morning bread trucks. Wonder Bread, Hostess, Butternut bread pass me almost every day. I don't dread them because they make me hungry for sandwiches, toast, Ho-Ho's, Ding Dongs and the sort. I ironically, dread them because they are the smelliest vehicles on the road! I dont' know what the deal is with the trucks, but all of them spew exhaust that just makes me choke. Funny.