Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An American Lion

I just finished watching part 2 of Teddy Roosevelt: An American Lion. I only hope that some day in my life, I will get to meet someone as great as T.R. While he, like all Presidents, made several mistakes, his accomplishments as a president and a human being are tremendous. He stood up for his beliefs, battled the seemingly invulnerable, and lived life as a true adventure. Two favorite moments of his life are first when he was leading the Rough Riders he wouldn't say "charge," he would say, "follow me!" And, second, while campaigning in Wisconsin in 1912, he was shot in the chest, and "with a bullet lodged next to his left lung and blood gushing, he delivered an hour long speech." I admire him for his love of family, conservation of land, sense of adventure, and love of country. He was an amazing American.


Randy Emert said...

He didn't technically lead the Rough Riders. The commander was Leonard Wood. FYI. ;-)

pchsgross said...

Thank you captain proper. Has anyone ever heard of Leonard Wood? I think not; it is all TR.