Friday, August 7, 2009


As mentioned in an earlier post, Angie and I ran the inaugural Chicago Rock and Roll half marathon on August 2. It was a fun race with a nice expo, good crowds and lots of bands. What made it memorable though is that we ran the whole race together. Besides some 5K's, we are pretty sure that it is the only race we have run together start to finish. Running a race like that is kind of like experiencing marriage. It had a great, fun start. Then there was some pain and frustration for both of us. We enjoyed the scenery of downtown. We endured some long stretches along Lake Shore Drive with not much to look at or enjoy just like life and marriage where there are times where not much happens except the daily grind. Angie was there when I tripped on the sidewalk and took a spill. We cared for each other through the tough of training and the good times of the run. But the best part in running and marriage, even through the good and the tough, is that in the end we were holding hands raised in the air in celebration of a great race and a great marriage.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Across the State

We were in Chicago this last weekend for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon. It was a great weekend, but what struck me was the trip home. We left downtown Chicago in the morning and caught I 94 East to I-55 South. It was amazing getting out of Chicago as the traffic flowed right along. From I-55 we caught I-80 West. We went all the way across Illinois to I-280 to Rock Island to pick up our daughter. Kaleigh spent the weekend at her Aunt Laura and Uncle Chad's house; she also got to visit her grandma Townley. Then we jumped back on I-280 to I-74 East back to Peoria.
While the travel made for a long day and stiff muscles from sitting in the Aztec all day after the race, I really enjoyed the ride across Illinois. I've done the trip several times and I can almost name all the towns and exits across I-80 and east on I74. I love seeing the land and how it changes or doesn't change over time. I remember the times I've spent in many of the places like Oswego, my hometown; Morris, my high school rival; Ottawa, where I lived and worked in radio for several years; LaSalle/Peru, where I spent time with friends; Milan, where Angie's mom lives; Rock Island; biking under I-74 near Cambridge; Galesburg, where I always want to stop and visit; and of course Peoria, where we live. It's a great state with great memories.