Sunday, January 24, 2010

Learn something new

My Facebook profile says that I am, "just trying to simplify." Yet, there is a relatively new aspect to my daily life that seems to "stress" me. A couple months ago, I created a reader on my igoogle page to follow some of my favorite blogs and I could easily add about 10 more blogs to it. My problem is that I never have time to read all of the great blogs that are in my reader. I try not to let it stress me because when I get 10 minutes at lunch or somewhere, I read the blog postings and I ALWAYS learn something new. Not just something new about someone or what they are doing "right now" (I can't stand 99% of the Facebook postings), but something new that I can use in my profession or personal life, right now. Sorry my blog isn't that valuable, but maybe one day, when I learn to truly "simplify", it will.